Bear Cav

bearcav2.jpg (60 KB)

Who knew?

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    The bear has the choice between being shit-scared riding a horse, and being shit-scared of the abuse he gets of his trainer if he doesn’t ride the horse.
    The same goes for the horse with the added effect of having a natural predator riding on top.

    Not something I’d want to endorse.

    tiki god

    is there really a lot of bear on horse violence? I wouldn’t think that there would be much interaction, cause bears don’t hunt horses, right?


    Horses are way to slow for bears to hunt. Bears are lazy as fuck.


    I mean bears are too slow to hunt horses.



    Kik Dogg

    Stupid Romanians.


    Some people might get a laugh out of this picture, but to me it scares the shit out of me. The Russians are teaching bears to do all kinds of crazy shit. Have you seen the video of them playing hockey? It’s horrifying. I have a real fear these Russians may teach these bears too much, even turn them into servants. Then it’ll be just a matter of time until they turn on them and take control of the whole fucking Eastern Hemisphere, with the help of those commie panda bears.

    We’re living in a real threat of a dystopian future of super intelligent and angry bears who will bear fuck us into oblivion. Think Planet of the Apes combined with Battlestar Galactica.

    tiki god

    the chinese have the panda population under control I think




    Panzerbjorn for the win.


    Is your last name Colbert?


    Well obviously, since I’m afraid of commie bears.



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