Boy that looks familiar.When I was a kid we used to destroy plastic aircraft,tank and ship models.Blow them up and burn them.But still.I`ve never seen a,uh,pre-wrecked.This has got to be something from China.
So the space shuttle columbia walks into a bar. It sits down, looking very depressed. The bartender asks whats wrong. It looks up and answers “Well today I broke up with my crew”
Deinonychus (#1705)
15 years ago
It’s well past the 24 hour rule, so it’s fair game.
The image itself is horrible and hilarious at the same time.
you mean NASATY?
not funny
We just have a hole in out wing… that’s ok, right?
Cool. Can we make fun of babyrape next?
you must be new here:
No, but apparently I was off my meds this morning. Or still hung over, not sure which.
too soon?
lol didnt this happen years ago?
im not sure about the rules, but i think if it happened more then a week ago, its fair game.
With that mentality we have a few days before the earthquake jokes saturate the internet.
ooooooooof…awesome and terrible. I’m upset I didn’t think of it
HOLY CRAP I lol’d.
Damnit, me too.
Boy that looks familiar.When I was a kid we used to destroy plastic aircraft,tank and ship models.Blow them up and burn them.But still.I`ve never seen a,uh,pre-wrecked.This has got to be something from China.
So the space shuttle columbia walks into a bar. It sits down, looking very depressed. The bartender asks whats wrong. It looks up and answers “Well today I broke up with my crew”
It’s well past the 24 hour rule, so it’s fair game.
The image itself is horrible and hilarious at the same time.
OMG! I haven’t actually LOLd in a long time. As fucked as this is.. nice.
I never understood why Columbia was such a terrible subject. It was a fucking glorified plane crash. Deal with it.
I lol’d.
@... Dragnov: WE’ve were always emotionally tied to our space programs. Or @... least we used to. When the Shuttle went, it was a National Failure
NASA has been so lack luster duing my life time that I find it hard to relate.