space shuttle columbia – no assembly required

space shuttle columbia - no assemly required

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    you mean NASATY?


    not funny


    We just have a hole in out wing… that’s ok, right?


    Cool. Can we make fun of babyrape next?

    tiki god

    No, but apparently I was off my meds this morning. Or still hung over, not sure which.


    too soon?


    lol didnt this happen years ago?
    im not sure about the rules, but i think if it happened more then a week ago, its fair game.


    With that mentality we have a few days before the earthquake jokes saturate the internet.


    ooooooooof…awesome and terrible. I’m upset I didn’t think of it


    HOLY CRAP I lol’d.


    Damnit, me too.


    Boy that looks familiar.When I was a kid we used to destroy plastic aircraft,tank and ship models.Blow them up and burn them.But still.I`ve never seen a,uh,pre-wrecked.This has got to be something from China.


    So the space shuttle columbia walks into a bar. It sits down, looking very depressed. The bartender asks whats wrong. It looks up and answers “Well today I broke up with my crew”


    It’s well past the 24 hour rule, so it’s fair game.

    The image itself is horrible and hilarious at the same time.


    OMG! I haven’t actually LOLd in a long time. As fucked as this is.. nice.


    I never understood why Columbia was such a terrible subject. It was a fucking glorified plane crash. Deal with it.


    I lol’d.


    Dragnov: WE’ve were always emotionally tied to our space programs. Or least we used to. When the Shuttle went, it was a National Failure

    NASA has been so lack luster duing my life time that I find it hard to relate.

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