“Once, dere wuz a nob who culd make da Waaagh! inta dingz ‘e wanted!”
“What’d ‘e do then, Boss?”
“Whaddya dink ‘e did, ya grot!? ‘e made a buncha dakka an’ killed da ‘umnies!!”
If you are going to spend the time to make a diorama like that, at least take a picture that doesn’t look like shit. Seriously, it takes about 10 seconds to set up a shot that doesn’t suck. I don’t understand why so many people are so terrible at photographing miniatures.
Whoever made this is my hero.
And when everyone else is dead my undead rouge ganks the orc in the asshole.
“Once, dere wuz a nob who culd make da Waaagh! inta dingz ‘e wanted!”
“What’d ‘e do then, Boss?”
“Whaddya dink ‘e did, ya grot!? ‘e made a buncha dakka an’ killed da ‘umnies!!”
given that there are a couple hot female ork models around, an Ork Trinity in tight leather might be nice
So you hate “fags” but think there are hot orcs? You’re a furry + a troll, which is the worst thing on the internet.
He’s a Nazi furry!
(NSFW) http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/2/27/Anime_furry_nazis.jpg
look man, when an ork is hot, an ork is hot.
nice job on the rubble
lots of awesome scenery and models here:
look out for my skaven ginger army!
If you are going to spend the time to make a diorama like that, at least take a picture that doesn’t look like shit. Seriously, it takes about 10 seconds to set up a shot that doesn’t suck. I don’t understand why so many people are so terrible at photographing miniatures.