Look ma I’am sa puting my shit on der presidet face.
(in before racist comments on Obama’s skin color and the resemblance to already-used TP)
i hope rush limbaugh gets a fatal papercut on his asshole from one of these
inb4 self righteous “liberals” who would be saying “EPIC WIN LOL!” if it was george w bush’s face.
Oh c’mon, it’s funny. I’ll bet that Bush tp was available too.
Damn, it really IS easy to market to the stupid.
/in after buzzkiller
It’d be better if it were al gore or hillary clinton.
Then it wouldn’t be Presidential toilet paper.
Wow, now Obama has something to clean up what Bush left behind.
Look ma I’am sa puting my shit on der presidet face.
(in before racist comments on Obama’s skin color and the resemblance to already-used TP)
i hope rush limbaugh gets a fatal papercut on his asshole from one of these
inb4 self righteous “liberals” who would be saying “EPIC WIN LOL!” if it was george w bush’s face.
Oh c’mon, it’s funny. I’ll bet that Bush tp was available too.
Damn, it really IS easy to market to the stupid.
/in after buzzkiller
It’d be better if it were al gore or hillary clinton.
Then it wouldn’t be Presidential toilet paper.
Wow, now Obama has something to clean up what Bush left behind.