Oh yeah? OH YEAH?! Watch me make out with the back of my hand and my knee then. It’s so intense, fuck fou Facebook.
That’s making me warm and irritated.
i believe its called herpes.
Oh yeah? OH YEAH?! *fap fap fap* There.
girls can’t fap they shlick
I prefer the term “jilling off.”
Videos or id didn’t happen
But what if I have sex with my doppelganger?
That’s not what they’re prohibiting. You can’t go to dinner or be a couple, but sex is fine.
Why would I ever do that? That’d be gay.
If your doppelganger has a Facebook, you’ll beat the system.
I made a profile call Hisown Self and put myself into a complicated relationship with it. Feel free to friend it and put yourself into a relationship with it. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000069371384
sorry ladies, no herown self.
Done and done!
Yeah, but you logged off before you could confirm our relationship :'(
*sigh* maaaan do i miss the good ole fashion facebook.
…Then what has my hot clone sex been all this time? D:
Oh yeah? OH YEAH?! Watch me make out with the back of my hand and my knee then. It’s so intense, fuck fou Facebook.
That’s making me warm and irritated.
i believe its called herpes.
Oh yeah? OH YEAH?!
*fap fap fap*
girls can’t fap
they shlick
I prefer the term “jilling off.”
Videos or id didn’t happen
But what if I have sex with my doppelganger?
That’s not what they’re prohibiting.
You can’t go to dinner or be a couple, but sex is fine.
Why would I ever do that? That’d be gay.
If your doppelganger has a Facebook, you’ll beat the system.
I made a profile call Hisown Self and put myself into a complicated relationship with it. Feel free to friend it and put yourself into a relationship with it. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000069371384
sorry ladies, no herown self.
Done and done!
Yeah, but you logged off before you could confirm our relationship :'(
*sigh* maaaan do i miss the good ole fashion facebook.
…Then what has my hot clone sex been all this time? D: