Kristen Dunst

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    i’ve had a boner for this one for so long
    (she was 12 in Interview with a vampire, so STFU)


    I was eight, so I don’t think you can fault more for wanting to bang her even then.

    fracked again

    Uh oh. This woman has mammary glands, also referred to as breasts. This is clearly NSFW. 😛

    tiki god

    her’s aren’t flapping out all over the place, so she gets the SFW seal of approval

    fracked again

    I dunno, pic number 4 is pretty close to borderline.


    I seriously do not get the appeal… Not even with a paper bag on this one, seriously.


    weird face girl has a weird face.


    sad she went downhill so hard
    she was so good after Interview wit ha vampire
    then she became just another marijuana statistic

    no doubt shes hot but thats just OUTER beauty, the inner sucks


    I think the sales statistics of movies shes appeared in speak much louder, especially considering virtually everyone in Hollywood is on something.

    fracked again

    Why are you still here?!


    I thought it was Kirsten?


    snaggletooth. donotwant


    Fuck you. I like my snaggletooth.


    I’ve honestly never liked her. Everything about her is just kinda “meh,” at best.


    Look at the size of that girl’s heed.
    I’m not kidding, it’s like an orange on a toothpick.
    Well, that’s a huge noggin. That’s a virtual planetoid.
    Has it’s own weather system.
    I’m not kidding, that girl’s head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Now that was offside, wasn’t it? She’ll be crying herself to sleep tonight, on her huge pillow.


    maybe shes a Pez dispenser?


    I’d rather have Eliza Dushku or Gabrielle Union.


    To me, she’s always had this weird Alan Alda thing going on. I’ll pass, thanks.


    I love you, o.k. I’m just saying that to get in your panties.


    Lets hope more people find this kind of lookin girl unattractive, I’d eat cereal out of her ass.

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