Marvel/Disney Mashup

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    Damn, for some reason I thought this would be good.



    Insanely Rational

    There are so many wrong things about that, but I think what takes the cake is Uncle Scrooge getting dollar signs on his eyes while watching Spider-man’s butt. Then there’s the 2 Hercules wondering if having sex together would count as masturbation or gay sex. Emma Frost looks pretty cool while putting the moves on the 3 princesses, 2 of which are playing hard to get while Jasmine is flirting back.

    Then there’s Howard the Duck showing duck porn to Donald…


    Doom Castle annoys me like crazy.

    fracked again

    I’m having horrid visions of the next kingdom hearts game. Fuck you Disney/Final Fantasy crossovers. And fuck all if it becomes a Marvel/Disney/Final Fantasy crossover. I would have to start reading DC on general principal.


    Thank you! I thought I was the only person on earth who thought the whole concept behind Kingdom Hearts was motherfucking retarded.

    fracked again

    Absofuckinglutely! I remember seeing the ads for one of the KH games… I would see the animation/art style of FF and get all excited that a new FF game was coming out and then GOOFY TIME! Damn that was disappointing. I mean, it makes sense for them to target Japanese and weeaboo players who fit into the middle of the Venn diagram with a third factor of retard. Personally, I would have targeted them with a shotgun, but thats me, not profit motivated enough.

    fracked again

    If it doesn’t make sense, the Japanese (and thus weeaboos) fucking love Disney, so that was circle 2. I’m tired. Good night, fancy bastards.


    oh fucking hell i hate kingdom hearts as well. I mean seriously, just what i want, a rehashed Generic Anime script where i get to watch fucking goofy wax philosophical. That’s like watching barney give a goddamn lecture on the philosophical implications of plancks constant.


    i didnt mind it at all, but then it became too angsty and emo sad boy/girl game and im like fuk this shit.


    Namor gonna get lucky


    this is really fucked up shit

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