Undoubtedly written by the moral majority in a laughably piss-weak attempt to start a new round of modern-age witch hunts under the guise of “protecting children.”
Probably, yeah. Typical mentality. “Pagans sacrifice and rape children!” “I’m one and I’ve never seen that…” “Well, of course you’d say that. You’re not allowed to tell anyone about it!”
The reason you have never heard about them is because there actual names are well guarded secrets. If you ran into an actual member of the cult you would never know they were even a member of a satanic or other pagan cult.Infant and child Sacrifices are the rarest in witchcraft and satanism (infact there was once a branch of christianity that sacrificed infants) my father claims to have known one woman who was a “breeder” and i myself knew one person who claimed to have attended an infant sacrifice. Adult sacrifices tend to be the most common among the “pagan” circles because an adult can choose whether or not they want to give their life for whatever reason, an infant can’t, they are at the mercy of the adults around them.
For the most part SRA (satanic ritual abuse, which is what this faggy book is reffering to) is BULLSHIT, it was the church fear mongering. In reality if it was happening you would NEVER know about it because the levels of secrecy involved in human sacrifices are as vast as military classifications.
I would say that the catholic church pedophilia cases are far more common, or at the very least better documented. when i was last involved with satanism i only heard of maybe four sects that still practiced human sacrifice in any form. Usually whenever you hear of human sacrifices in media they are typically carried out by “pseudo-satanists.” Some idiots see a movie or read some story and think that they are supposed to sacrifice people to satan. the reality is that they have no clue what they are doing and as such are giving a meaningless sacrifice that is not validated by an actual practice of satanic ritual or belief.
I actually heard about satanic cults recently. A friend of mine that I train with goes to Tracker School in Virginia. They do long walks practicing walking silently(stalking/sensing) and in one portion of the walk they have to walk through a very evil area. Where supposidly a Satanic group did human sacrifices and other evil shinanigans. My friend said that he could send how evil this place was so much that he was scared to cross is and once he did he wanted to get the hell out of there. This place is so gnarly that it freaked some of the guys on the walk out so much that they couldn’t even cross. He only told me this because he was teaching us this silent waking and sensing stuff in an outdoor class we did. Because ninjas walk stalk and train themselves to sense peoples intentions. Just though I’d share this story. Pretty fricken scary if you think about it.
Oh and if you actually read my post instead of using a knee jerk reaction you would realize that i said child sacrifices are extremely rare. But hey what the fuck would i know i only practiced hardcore satanism for two years.
I other words “satan” will not accept it because it was not a proper ritual. For example simply stating ” i give my soul to satan so i that i may seek in return cars, cash tits etc” does not mean satan accepts your soul. There is a formal process you have to go through in order to be recognized. It’s like that with most religions that deal with the sacrafice of life. You have to do it on an alter or you have to use certain instruments or recite certain verses or incantations.
Nice article picking apart the idea of widespread Satanic cults in general and destroying the claim of Satanic influence in Role-Playing Games in particular:
Great! Someone wants to start the McMartin pre-school witch hunts all over again. The only satanists out there are a bunch of angry recovering Catholic teenagers.
Undoubtedly written by the moral majority in a laughably piss-weak attempt to start a new round of modern-age witch hunts under the guise of “protecting children.”
Ever seen the documentary, Witch Hunt? it’s a damn good movie. Makes you rage.
Probably, yeah. Typical mentality. “Pagans sacrifice and rape children!” “I’m one and I’ve never seen that…” “Well, of course you’d say that. You’re not allowed to tell anyone about it!”
at least give the little fuckers some shoes. geez
this is totally inaccurate. We used a guillotine, not a noose.
That`s it.Whip up a little more hysteria.Thank god this nonsense peaked in the early 80s.
…and will peak again, no doubt.
It did? Are you sure?
LoL at people who think this is fake. It’s real But it is very rare.
Not that rare. You can buy it off of Amazon.
Isn’t the widespread abuse by the catholic church way more common than any alleged satanic cults (that, incidentally, we’ve never heard about)?
Just sayin’
The reason you have never heard about them is because there actual names are well guarded secrets. If you ran into an actual member of the cult you would never know they were even a member of a satanic or other pagan cult.Infant and child Sacrifices are the rarest in witchcraft and satanism (infact there was once a branch of christianity that sacrificed infants) my father claims to have known one woman who was a “breeder” and i myself knew one person who claimed to have attended an infant sacrifice. Adult sacrifices tend to be the most common among the “pagan” circles because an adult can choose whether or not they want to give their life for whatever reason, an infant can’t, they are at the mercy of the adults around them.
For the most part SRA (satanic ritual abuse, which is what this faggy book is reffering to) is BULLSHIT, it was the church fear mongering. In reality if it was happening you would NEVER know about it because the levels of secrecy involved in human sacrifices are as vast as military classifications.
I would say that the catholic church pedophilia cases are far more common, or at the very least better documented. when i was last involved with satanism i only heard of maybe four sects that still practiced human sacrifice in any form. Usually whenever you hear of human sacrifices in media they are typically carried out by “pseudo-satanists.” Some idiots see a movie or read some story and think that they are supposed to sacrifice people to satan. the reality is that they have no clue what they are doing and as such are giving a meaningless sacrifice that is not validated by an actual practice of satanic ritual or belief.
I actually heard about satanic cults recently. A friend of mine that I train with goes to Tracker School in Virginia. They do long walks practicing walking silently(stalking/sensing) and in one portion of the walk they have to walk through a very evil area. Where supposidly a Satanic group did human sacrifices and other evil shinanigans. My friend said that he could send how evil this place was so much that he was scared to cross is and once he did he wanted to get the hell out of there. This place is so gnarly that it freaked some of the guys on the walk out so much that they couldn’t even cross. He only told me this because he was teaching us this silent waking and sensing stuff in an outdoor class we did. Because ninjas walk stalk and train themselves to sense peoples intentions. Just though I’d share this story. Pretty fricken scary if you think about it.
Mmhmm. See, this is what I was talking about. “Well, of course you don’t hear about it on the news all the time! It’s sekrit!!!”
Only a fool believes there is no such thing as secrecy in our world.
Oh and if you actually read my post instead of using a knee jerk reaction you would realize that i said child sacrifices are extremely rare. But hey what the fuck would i know i only practiced hardcore satanism for two years.
Validated? Meaningless Sacrifice?
I other words “satan” will not accept it because it was not a proper ritual. For example simply stating ” i give my soul to satan so i that i may seek in return cars, cash tits etc” does not mean satan accepts your soul. There is a formal process you have to go through in order to be recognized. It’s like that with most religions that deal with the sacrafice of life. You have to do it on an alter or you have to use certain instruments or recite certain verses or incantations.
I realize that. It’s jut an odd way to state it. Is there really any human sacrifice that is not meaningless?
Nice article picking apart the idea of widespread Satanic cults in general and destroying the claim of Satanic influence in Role-Playing Games in particular:
Great! Someone wants to start the McMartin pre-school witch hunts all over again. The only satanists out there are a bunch of angry recovering Catholic teenagers.
I remember that case. I was horrified at how it was handled, practically destroyed that family.