i used to be scared of bread pudding.. but then i had some
One of the best foods on the planet. This one restaurant near me makes one so rich that you will get drunk from it.
What is bread pudding? It doesn’t look like pudding.
It’s the best dessert ever. Had it for the first time recently for free from the restaurant across from work. A taste explosion!
Made that recipe before for friends. It’s delicious and RICH. A small bowl, that’s it, and damn…
subliminal mcdonalds advertisment
Thinkin’ the same thing. McBreadPudding.
McBreadPudding indeed… only I don’t think it would be very good frozen and the microwaved/fried. Needs more bacon.
Never had bread pudding. I do know it’s a bitch to clean off of dishes.
i used to be scared of bread pudding.. but then i had some
One of the best foods on the planet. This one restaurant near me makes one so rich that you will get drunk from it.
What is bread pudding? It doesn’t look like pudding.
It’s the best dessert ever. Had it for the first time recently for free from the restaurant across from work. A taste explosion!
Made that recipe before for friends. It’s delicious and RICH. A small bowl, that’s it, and damn…
subliminal mcdonalds advertisment
Thinkin’ the same thing. McBreadPudding.
McBreadPudding indeed… only I don’t think it would be very good frozen and the microwaved/fried. Needs more bacon.
Never had bread pudding. I do know it’s a bitch to clean off of dishes.