Der Fuehrer’s Face is a 1943 animated cartoon by the Walt Disney Studios, starring Donald Duck. It was directed by Jack Kinney and released on January 1, 1943 as an anti-Nazi propaganda movie for the American war effort. The film won the 1943 Academy Award for Animated Short Film, and was the only Donald Duck cartoon to win an Oscar. In 1994, it was voted #22 of “the 50 Greatest Cartoons” of all time by members of the animation field.
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I fucking mispelled Fuhrer like twice, well actually the second time is wikipedias fault.
one hand holds a pastry, the other reaches for coffee
Is it a pastry? That could be anything, man.
I wonder what’s in that safe.
no, i mean who’s holding the book up?
Hard cover?
its tilted!
This cartoon is OSSOME!
OMFG This was incredible. I greatly enjoyed the “vacation.”
We watched this in my American History Through Music class. We all had a hearty lol
You read right: American History Through Music.
And don’t forget the Spike Jones song played in full.