my guess on the colour would be dirt on the fingers when rolling it, over time it would get darker, and darker from the slightest amount of dirt, plus the drying out…
I used to want nerves of steel. Now I don’t anymore!
Brushaway (#430)
15 years ago
actually had something like this only way smaller pulled out of my ear by a doctor when i was a kid. probably a bad idea for your eardrums to do this yourself.
When I was little I found a pocket watch and shook it against my ear to see if it worked and the little screw-thing (I don’t know what it’s called) that is used to wind it, fell in my ear. I got a rootbeer (rootbeer isn’t one word?) float after that doc visit.
you forgot the months of no personal hygiene
I hate earwax
He’s got bunny turds in his ears?!?
I gagged a little bit.
Why is it that color?
my guess on the colour would be dirt on the fingers when rolling it, over time it would get darker, and darker from the slightest amount of dirt, plus the drying out…
That is repulsive.
was this done all at once? cuz this would hurt like hell to dig around for
Some people produce more; I could see it might be possible if he let it build up
I used to want nerves of steel. Now I don’t anymore!
actually had something like this only way smaller pulled out of my ear by a doctor when i was a kid. probably a bad idea for your eardrums to do this yourself.
When I was little I found a pocket watch and shook it against my ear to see if it worked and the little screw-thing (I don’t know what it’s called) that is used to wind it, fell in my ear. I got a rootbeer (rootbeer isn’t one word?) float after that doc visit.