Customer: ‘Hello, young man, can you help me?
Me: ‘Yes ma’am. What can I do for you?
Customer: ‘Where do you keep your scratch?
Me: ‘Excuse me?
Customer: ‘Scratch! Where do you keep it? I need some to make pie!
Me: ‘I’m not sure that I’m clear on what you need. Can you tellme what you are going to use it for?
Customer: ‘My husband says that I need to make pie from scratch for Christmas, so I need to buy some scratch for the pie.
Me: ‘Ma’am, that just means that you buy the ingredients and make the pie yourself.
Customer: ‘I don’t have time to make pie myself! I need some scratch!
via Not Always Right | Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes » Barely Scratched The Surface.
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