I love people that do this.. I might do this if presented the chance.
15 years ago
David Thorne is the man. I’m also looking for an opportunity to do this with someone. Do I really need to become a graphic designer to get the chance to make fun of people this thoroughly. And I don’t get any dunning letters per email so I can’t even send anyone a drawing of a spider. ):
Speaking from the point of being retired from graphic design; you’d be totally amazed at the number of Simon Edhouse clones in the world.
I salute Mr Thorne, and heartily appreciate the lulz.
I love people that do this.. I might do this if presented the chance.
David Thorne is the man. I’m also looking for an opportunity to do this with someone. Do I really need to become a graphic designer to get the chance to make fun of people this thoroughly. And I don’t get any dunning letters per email so I can’t even send anyone a drawing of a spider. ):
Speaking from the point of being retired from graphic design; you’d be totally amazed at the number of Simon Edhouse clones in the world.
I salute Mr Thorne, and heartily appreciate the lulz.
Hey, seven-legged spiders are OK.
I hear they’re worth a fortune.
You can even pay your bills with them.
Full of win
This is awesome, full of win, and constructed of hilarity.
absorutery hirarious
*starts searching for open-source pie chart software*
I remember how fucking hard I laughed at the spider picture thing
Ditto. Some of my faves, though, are from the help desk of George. I’ll see if I can find the site, if it even still exists.
Also, I can’t rad this.
Found it. Oldie but a goody:
Oh lulz.