commie walls

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    The middle one is spectacular. I always thought the communist flag as well as the Canadian one were some of the best design out there, at least flag-wise.

    Because I like design even if it was done to portray ideals that are different from mine?

    Yeah right. So that makes me a Canadian communist then, right?
    Hang on, you posted these so that makes you a communist as well!


    All raccoons are capitalists, tell me something I don’t know.

    Oh. It does. I don’t dress like a Lebanese prostitute though, what you’re referring to are my comfortable-at-home-clothes. I try to dress like a lawyer or like an American girl from the 50s, sometimes I combine it. Still no mistress material, huh.

    Yeah. Well that means nobody dresses like me then. I meant a lawyer of today + an American girl from then, not an American lawyer girl from then. Evil lawyer is a little redundant though, don’t you think.


    “I try to dress like a lawyer or like an American girl from the 50s, sometimes I combine it.”
    That just may be the sexiest thing I have ever heard.


    Not gonna lie, I used to have the middle one as a desktop because it looks awesome.


    All girls like to play dress up.


    All girls like to play dress up.


    The middle one is the best, I’ve used it as a wallpaper a lot before too. It’s actually the emblem of the Soviet Union displaying the phrase “Workers of the world, unite!” in all 15 of the Soviet Union’s languages. You can’t see them very well because it’s eroded, maybe as some kind of commentary. Great wallpaper anyway.


    really, no one did this yet?

    in soviet russia, wall papers you


    In the immortal words of my lifetimes greatest president, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall … paper!”


    what’s great about communism anyway..after all in Europe it failed..


    The chicks.

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