Christian Weston Chandler (or CWC, as he is fond of referring to himself), is the TRUE and HONEST creator of the ORIGINAL Electric Hedgehog Pokemon, Sonichu (which can also be seen as a medallion around his neck). He claims to be a “High Functioning Autistic” on a quest for a “Boyfriend-free girl to build into a sweetheart from the ground up.” For various reasons, he keeps getting trolled, both on the internet, and in real life. To see how far the rabbit hole goes, check out
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Wow. I really care about this guy and his idiotic scribblings.
A much better read:
^^the link I SHOULD have posted “
I was wondering when old CDubC was going to show up here. GO SONICHU AND ZAP, ZAP TO THE EXTREME.
Also his spanish nickname is Ricardo.
as a stuck up, cynical bastard, I will never understand why the /culture is so obsessed with pathetic fools.
I agree. There’s no valor in making fun of people like this. He makes himself look bad, so you don’t need to.
I have been asking myself the same thing since I came across this guy a year ago, via Encyclopedia Dramatica. He’s like a train wreck. In fact, I have asked myself “Why do I care about what happens to this poor schlub” so many times I am now in the process of planning a documentary. Sad right? But he’s like a modern Henry Darger, without the natural talent, creativity, and innate eye for composition.
Saw a few of his youtube videos. Whoever game him a webcam and internet access should be smacked. I feel sorry for the pug.
This is pure batshitcrazy.
I’m willing to admit he can draw better than I can. The difference is that I never claim to be any good or try and pass it off as anything more than bad scribblings.