I don’t like cereal but I did use to eat those cocoa puffs when I was little. As far as I can remember I have had only different variations of cocoa something. I’m a huge fan of cocoa, I drink it and pretend it’s coffee so I can be a grown up too. Also, this cereal map along with the other one really tells you a lot about some American habits that you would never get to hear otherwise, I’m enjoying it.
I lol’d when it asks are you trying to eat healthy, and then it forces you to reconsider that, and it’s ironic that I eat honey bunches of oats every morning.
I won’t go as far as calling you an asshole, but yes it is a bit tough to read.
Does no one understand the concept of clicking on provided links, especially the one that says Full Size?
why are you even asking that, people hate reading things, that’s why they go to stupid image sites, lol
I’ll learn ’em…eventually.
I did not see a full size link a few minutes ago. Are you messing with me? 😉
I have not edited this post since submission.
It did take me a minute to notice the links, but I won’t blame you because apparently you’re high.
I don’t like cereal but I did use to eat those cocoa puffs when I was little. As far as I can remember I have had only different variations of cocoa something. I’m a huge fan of cocoa, I drink it and pretend it’s coffee so I can be a grown up too. Also, this cereal map along with the other one really tells you a lot about some American habits that you would never get to hear otherwise, I’m enjoying it.
And you can also see all your favorite cereal mascots duke it out in an all out fight to the death.
I lol’d when it asks are you trying to eat healthy, and then it forces you to reconsider that, and it’s ironic that I eat honey bunches of oats every morning.
I eat the healthiest of cereals: Granola. Granola not listed.
Fruit Loops is tasty.
It’s so true, Cap’n Crunch DOES shred the roof of your mouth!
like little candy-coated razor blades
I grew up on Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Guess I don’t have to wonder why I’m fat now, eh?
I used to eat Grape Nuts and I still like Shredded Wheat, but I’ve always loved Apple Jacks.
The link is too large. could somebody supply a harder to read version?