Hunger is the story of the IRA hunger strike at the Maze Prison in 1981, and it quickly pulls little punches in getting across the conditions in the prison, and the inmates’ dissatisfaction. Hunger treads a very careful political line throughout its running time, and what emerges is a surprisingly open drama, powered by an excellent performance from Michael Fassbender as Bobby Sands. As Sands embarks on his infamous hunger strike, Fassbender mesmerises in the role, leading up to the aforementioned, gripping, single conversation that’s the highlight of the film. Mark him down as a major talent to watch. Alongside Fassbender, director Steve McQueen does really quite sterling work with Hunger. It can’t have been an easy film to direct by any measure, yet he turns in a harrowing piece of cinema that leaves the judgements to the viewer.
Fucking amazing movie!
What the fuck, from 2008? How did I miss this. I love these kind of films with a passion, along with all school and lawyer films. I’m going to absorb this piece right fucking now.
maybe we should give this hobo some food if he’s that hungery.
I saw this movie at a film festival… *DROOL*…
Their is no africans.
Ok so I saw it. It was intense, especially the conversation, I can’t remember any conversation in a film quite as intense as that one, I was literally exhausted by the time it was over. Michael Fassbender was so good looking I thought my head was going to implode. It’s because of how he talked and sat there goddamn.
I know of which conversation you speak. The conversation between Bobby Sands and the Catholic Priest before shit really hit the fan.
Yeeah. It was excellent to say the least, thanks Puu.
Maybe I missed something, but 2008? Directed by Steve McQueen? He died in 1980…
There can be only one.
so this movie is about a guy that doesn’t eat?
It’s about a Famous IRA Leader that doesn’t eat to protest horrible treatment of IRA prisoners and their cause. Also a look into both sides of the controversial issue between the English and Irish. This movie is also a full visceral prison experience while dealing with such heavy issues. Damn good movie.