When the wave conditions are right a wave appears, infrequently, as a result of the splash back off the cliff connecting with an incoming wave. This causes the incoming wave to pop up, creating fan-like shapes. On this particular day, over the two hours I spent on the rocks, this wave only appeared once. This is that shot. (Photo and caption by Aaron Feinberg)
The Big Picture: National Geographic’s International Photography Contest 2009
Lots of really cool pics.
that looks a lot to this wave
damn i totally submitted a couple of pics from there with a link to it a couple of days back. i guess mcs likes you better and thats cool with me because these pics are pretty badass. good shit nyokki.
Yeah, but we picked different pics, so it’s cool. That’s happened before w/ The Big Picture submissions, where several people submitted posts, but picking different sets of pics.
Also, I totally MCS+ commented on your pics last week. 🙂
I don’t have the elite MCS+ 🙁 maybe sometime soon. Thanks a bunch though!!