You can very well get enough proteins by eating nuts, seeds and oils with your vegetables as well as leguminous plants. How do you think animals like elephants get so big and strong without any meat? It sure isn’t magic. But let’s compare humans to animals that are closer to them than elephants, like gorillas, chimpanzees and orang utans. If you take those together, 0.00% of their diet is meat.
Can every human on this planet be healthy without meat? No. Especially not children, old and sick people. Is it perfectly possible for the greater majority and would it mean an immense improvement concerning the quality of the lives of people everywhere as well as our environment? Yes.
I understand PETA are a bunch of fascists and that there are annoying vegetarians who act like killing an animal is the same as killing a human which is nonsense, but there are no laws that force you to be a vegetarian so why are you so bothered by the fact that there are people who advocate a vegetarian diet? Maybe you should check again.
Oh yeah actually, logical arguments didn’t help the last time so here are some fancy quotes. Creationists will usually say things like, oh but I ain’t related to no monkey. Though most people on here who rage all over the place when this subject comes up appear to be atheists or at least evolutionists so how about this:
“What I am doing is going along with the fact that I live in a society where meat eating is accepted as the norm, and it requires a level of social courage which I haven’t yet produced to break out of that. It’s a little bit like the position which many people would have held a couple of hundred years ago over slavery. Where lots of people felt morally uneasy about slavery but went along with it because the whole economy of the South depended upon slavery.â€
– Richard Dawkins
“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.â€
– Albert Einstein
I mean Albert was tight, or no? He must have known what he’s talking about.
Chimpanzees eat meat sometimes. National Geographic told me and showed me.
A bunch of chimpanzees hunted down a monkey, bashed it to some rocks and the ate it. And then they killed some random chimp and then ripped his testicles off. Not cool, that should have been an ethnic girl.
I said gorillas, chimpanzees and orang utans all together in comparison to the diet of man, I didn’t say there isn’t a single one of them that goes nuts and kills other animals to eat them. There are people who are cannibals, I doubt that will make you consider eating another man. Way to miss my point, not that I’m surprised.
While Lambs argument is put forth in a rather silly manner with a completely unneeded racial remark, the truth of it is that apes do eat other animals, though the majority of this is invertebrates. Some, such as the chimpanzee, do in fact eat other smaller vertebrates. However, generally, primates do not need to consistently eat invertebrates or vertebrates to maintain a healthy diet. Additionally, among primates, only humans and chimpanzees regularly and consistently hunt meat. Primates do not need meat, but it can be necessary in situations where other sources of proteins and other nutrients common in meat are not abundant from non-animal sources.
You don’t understand what my argument was. Lamb is an uneducated child.
I didn’t say that apes don’t eat animals at all. But the three categories in comparison with the diet of man, do not eat meat. This is still not my point, the OP here is suggesting that the human body can’t absorb proteins and carbs without meat, when my example above obviously disproves that. Even if there are some apes who eat meat. There are also some people who eat humans, does that mean the diet of man is automatically man?
Lamb just agrees with everyone who disagrees with me, he doesn’t comprehend any of this.
I think I still haven’t made it clear enough for some. So here’s one last try. If there’s no meat available for an ape, he can go without it. He will survive perfectly and be healthy.
A man on the other hand who just stops eating meat all of a sudden could become sick. This is why right now you would say the diet of man contains meat, even if there are some people like me or RSIxidor, who can survive without it.
Jesus Christ, I didn’t disagree.. I just said chimps eat meat. Now I’m going to disagree with what you said now: You didn’t say they can live without meat, you said they don’t eat meat.
This is you: “gorillas, chimpanzees and orang utans. If you take those together, 0.00% of their diet is meat.”
Stop being all pissy like, I just added some info.
And comparing cannibals to chimps that eat meat is just dumb. Seriously, you’re not even trying anymore. This isn’t fun anymore.
I said gorillas, chimpanzees and orang utans, in comparison to the diet of man don’t eat meat. I didn’t say, flat out, they don’t eat meat.
I compared cannibals to apes because you said, “A bunch of chimpanzees hunted down a monkey.” Not because I think eating animals is like cannibalism, since I mentioned in my first comment here that killing animals is not the same as killing humans.
Don’t put words in my mouth and then say it’s dumb.
Oh, shit, I fucked up. I was only arguing with stupid ass about the chimpanzee argument, which is basically limited to chimpanzees, but I think I fucked that up to.
Just ignore me and listen to die.
And also.
“You can very well get enough proteins by eating nutsâ€
Antagonista, you’re right on! I stopped eating meat a year and a half ago and I barely miss it. Occasionally I feel like I could really go for some bacon, but otherwise, my diet hasn’t suffered at all. Plenty of nuts, beans and eggs get me all the protein I need.
Plus, you simply cannot trust meat in the US, it’s a filthy industry. If you want your daily dose of hormones, antibiotics and fecal matter, by all means, go eat yourself some meat.
Chimps aren’t monkeys, they are primates. So in reality it wouldn’t be cannibalistic for a chimp to eat a monkey of sorts. Oh and “you can very well get enough protein by eating nutsâ€.
Thank you noodles. I’m glad you understood what I meant too. The only reason why meat consumption became such a nasty thing is because of mass production and the people behind it, who try to squeeze every penny out of what’s available. If you take a single farmer, like my grandfather who has a couple animals and his corn fields, that doesn’t do anyone any harm, selling a chicken or a pig every now and then. That kind of thing I do support, but what they have turned meat into is just ugly. If I lived on some small island without any machines and cars, just a couple people with beautiful skin who hunt occasionally, that would be the only way I’d be willing enjoy meat.
@... die & noodles: The USDA and many auditors such as SQF do a damn good job of ensuring food safety standards are met both within the production and farming sector as well as retail and market. They all know its cheaper to make sure everything is done properly than get slapped with a $250,000 fine or a law suit. Also from my studies at A&M about 80% of total fast food “beef” is shipped (frozen) from Australia.
Besides “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts.”
You can do fine as a vegan or vegetarian, but I love a good steak and bacon, well, hells bells, thats some good stuff. You can get enough protein from eating nothing but white rice because you make most of the amino acids you need, and the rest, you get from bug parts that are mixed in.
Yeah, I’m making one of the very few exceptions to vegetarianism this Thursday, as my wife and I are hosting Thanksgiving for the first time. I don’t expect my whole extended family to follow the same diet we do, so I found a small, free range, family run turkey farm about 30 miles out of town. Organically fed, anti-b and hormone free, happy birds. I picked mine out myself. I’m going to slow-smoke it for 8 hours.
Otherwise, yeah, the notion that we need meat in every meal is unique to just the past few decades. Meat used to be served possibly once a week, and on special occasions. Now with the ubiquitous meat “products” as a result of factory farming, high volume feed lots, and the wonders of chemistry, we can stuff our faces with it breakfast lunch and dinner. Cause its the American Way dammit!
I don’t live in America, I’m talking globally bro. Though I imagine American farmers aren’t too happy about shipped meat from Australia.
Christian Bale is a vegetarian since the age of 7. If he can get too look like he did for American Psycho then I’m pretty sure I won’t have any problems either.
Also why turn that line into a meme. Couldn’t you have picked something that I said that is a little smarter.
You’ve got a lot of faith in the USDA. Read some Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman. The USDA is nothing but a revolving door for corporate lobbyists. It’s all former Monsanto execs who do nothing look out for their own corporate interests. Have you not noticed the increasing frequencies of e coli and salmonella outbreaks as a result of contaminated factory foods?
there is no scientific evidence that confirms humans were meant to be herbivores. to the contrary the proof is that we were meant to omnivores—not necessarily hunters, but opportunistic eaters, scavengers.
the arguments for a vegetarian diet are ethical at best and, that’s fine.
or, “if we weren’t meant to eat animals, they wouldn’t be so damn tasty!”
and, in closing: “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts.â€
“if we weren’t meant to eat animals, they wouldn’t be so damn tasty!†I always get sick of that logic. I hear human meat is tasty, so I guess we’re meant to eat that. Or how about, if we weren’t meant to shot herion, they wouldn’t make it feel so good…
Scientific evidence for a lifestyle and convictions in regards to our environment? What scientific evidence is there that supports any kind of act of compassion. There isn’t. Love is illogical. We don’t live natural lives when it comes to our machines, cars and computers but when it comes to food you want to act natural? I don’t know, if you really want to go there, here’s some strictly scientific evidence.
“A study from the Loma Linda University has found that vegetarians live about seven years longer, and vegans live about 15 years longer than meat eaters. These studies are further supported by the Chinese Health Project (the largest population study on diet and health to date). They found Chinese people who eat the least amount of fat and animal products have the lowest risk of cancer, heart attack and other diseases.
Further proof comes from a British research that tracked 6,000 and 5,000 meat eaters for 12 years to find that vegetarians were 40 percent less likely to die from cancer during that time and 20 percent less likely to die from other diseases.”
Anyone who likes bacon would definitely like human flesh. It’s the closest to our flesh, which is why I always say that I would totally eat people under the right circumstances. Like if I were a prisoner who escaped together with other prisoners, trying to hike through a desert and then had to systematically kill every companion in order to survive.
It’s cool noodles, you figured out that you should drop the “die” when addressing me so that’s pretty awesome already. But it is indeed meant to be an ambiguous German/English thing.
After watching videos on cows pretty much getting tortured to death, I have tried several times to go vegan, but as someone who strength trains, it’s really hard. The cravings are insane, muscle mass starts disappearing in days, and beef and cholesterol go hand in hand with testosterone.
That’s so dope. I have said this before, but I have immense respect for anyone who makes an effort to learn German at all. German grammar is ridiculous for people who don’t speak it as their first language. And that is a very sweet area, Nordrhein Westfalen rules.
Prince Fielder of the Milwaukee Brewers is a vegetarian. Dude has loads of muscle mass, 46 home runs last year.
Veganism isn’t for everybody, I know some people’s bodies react poorly to it (and I personally just can’t give up cheese) but being aware of where your food comes from, making conscientious decisions, and not just mindless consuming industrialized animal products is a good way to go.
Below the cucumber… are ginger roots. Don’t tell me you don’t like ginger. Dude. I like mine with long hair and big boobs. Or, alternatively, with an Irish flavour and beard.
Oh and I agree noodles. You’re absolutely right, like I said in my first comment, some peoples’ bodies can adapt others never will. That’s why PETA and shit organisations like that are so, well shitty. I’ve never seen them make a disclaimer about that or anything. So we’re on the same page as far as politics and ethics go. High five.
I was fish + vegetarian as a kid, and wasn’t really healthy until beef went on the diet. I can’t say for certain it made the difference, but I’m happiest with steak threatened with fire.
not “Man show fire to meat and then eat it while it still squirts and pulses.”
“Medium Rare” = “Good vet could get it up on its feet in an hour or two.” That’s not cooked with fire. Thats threatened with fire.
Start seasoning steak and before you know it? You’re French. No. I go to my personal butcher and say, “Give me a piece of meat that’s been sawn off an animal.” And they throw me a chunk of animal. And then I say “Show me the animal this meat was sawn off.” And they show me a picture of a crying cow with a gaping hole in its side. And I say “Did the animal cry when you sawed my piece of meat off it?” And they show me a ziploc bag full of cow tears. And I say, “Rub that on my steak! Let that be my seasoning!”
i don’t think my comment at anytime wasn’t in step with any of your statements
biologists who’ve studied human evolution agree that we are opportunistic eaters. this means our ancestors ate what they could find in order to survive. additionaly, i stated that the argument for vegetarianism was ethical: i believe that would cover the acts of compassion, love, the environment.
your scientific evidence however do no more than what logiticians call “begging the the question.” in other words, people with vegetarian diets are healthier than people without, so therefore it must be the vegetarian diet.
no scientific study has every proven that vegetarians live longer or are healthier due to their vegetarian diet. fact is they suffer, on average, the same amount of medical conditions as those who include animal products in their diet. not necessarily the same, ie, vegetarians are less predisposed to cancer, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get it or aren’t suffering from other serious illnesses.
if however you were to have said “evidence strongly suggests” i would completely agree with you. the more likely case is that someone who is stopping to think about what they are putting in their bodies in regard to processed meat is also more likely to avoid junk food, fried foods, processed foods, alcohol, carcinogens etc. and are more likely to exercise. All of these factors combined lead to a healthier lifestyle. but then again there are plenty of people on the planet who eat meat and exercise and avoid junk food and are just as healthy.
additionally your claim regarding primates being “vegetarians” is false. unless you don’t consider insects being from the animal kingdom. many primates in captivity suffer from lack of b12, because they’re not getting it from the insects they regularly digest along with their fruits and veggies.
also, the tasty animals thing was probably childish and didn’t help my cause. i simply thought of if because of the rabbit quote, cause i love rabbit.
I wasn’t begging the question. See I didn’t say that the information I provided proves that vegetarians live longer, just that it’s scientific evidence. You were the one who brought it up, in fact you are the one who was much more confident about it as if it’s all proved and accepted for sure you said “the proof is that we were meant to omnivores.”
Never mind that you didn’t provide any proof whatsoever, any studies or anything.
The paragraph I posted is based on studies that apply to how people live today, if a person decides to eat healthier and becoming vegetarian is just a side effect – what does that have to do with anything? If in this world, for some people, the only way to be healthy is to avoid meat then that isn’t against anything I have said so far either.
As for your claims concerning vegetarians, again show me a reference to anything or I don’t see why I should believe it. I’m not going to take the word of a stranger on the Internet for it.
additionally your claim regarding primates being “vegetarians†is false. unless you don’t consider insects being from the animal kingdom. many primates in captivity suffer from lack of b12, because they’re not getting it from the insects they regularly digest along with their fruits and veggies.
You don’t understand what my claim was. If you compare the diet of apes to the diet of man, they are adapted to surviving on a meat free diet while man is not. I can’t make it any clearer than that.
However this was not my claim, the OP implies that the human body cannot absorb proteins and carbs without meat, when this is clearly false. The proof lies in the survival of apes, as well as various personalities that are known all over the world.
Such as, Ghandi, Anna Paquin, Kate Bush, Yehudi Menuhin, Voltaire, Pythagoras, Diogenes, Newton, Da Vinci, Thoreau, Shaw, Tolstoy, Naomi Watts, Mark Twain, Brooke Shields, Bob Dylan, Woody Harrelson, Martin Luther, Schopenhauer, Weird Al Yankovich, Grace Slick, Benjamin Zephaniah, Farin Urlaub, Killer Kowalski, Andreas Cahling, Leonard Nimoy, William Blake, Anne Hathaway, and so on.
PS: You can get B12 by eating eggs, eggs are not meat so once more, this is completely besides the point and shows that you either know very little or think you can fool me.
lol i remember training for Marine OCS and having nothing but trail mix to eat for 4 days one weekend…kept my energy up and my stomach full but was never enough calories. And we were doing some pretty f*#$ing intense PT 22 hours/day.
Sweet, I think this means I win! I’ve been a vegetarian for like a year now… but I’ll occasionally have a bite of meat, preferably not the kind from the slaughterhouses. The thing is, I don’t like the taste anymore. At all.
But I have a 5-year-old… and he can eat all the meat he wants! Not that we usually have any at home, but when we go to restaurants or houses of friends or family – he can eat as much meat as he’d like! =D
Just because a chimp is closely related to me doesn’t mean I wouldn’t serve it for dinner. In the right circumstances I would even eat human if need be. Also just speaking for myself but I’m in no way rich or have the disposable income necessary to cut meat products out of my diet. I don’t know if you noticed but to be vegan is very pricey indeed. That might also account for why some of those people who the study was based on were in healthier conditions. I doubt the study spoke of their subjects incomes and ability to provide themselves with the highest quality products as a result. Just a thought, don’t kill me please I just enjoy animals very much…they’re delicious!
You do realise that this is not what this was about at all? I only happened to call it cannibalism to explain my point, not because I care about you eating animals or whatever has eyes and runs around in a circle.
I live in Europe and for me it’s cheaper to not eat meat. However even if meat were cheaper, if it’s not good for me that’s the number one investment I’d make above everything else. You get to have but one body, what else are you going to spend it for.
You live in America am I right? So far I have heard only from Americans that they have to spend more money on vegetables and fruits than meat. You see it does not depend on money, it depends on where you live. Now come up with something that actually makes sense, show me some other studies that disprove this, anything, but this is a non issue.
The fact that you said,
don’t kill me please I just enjoy animals very much…they’re delicious!
shows that you didn’t understand a thing I said in this thread. Have I said anywhere that anyone shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy meat?
Maybe give me a chance, read the things I write and then make assumptions about me. I have read everything you wrote so far.
I’m not a vegetarian, but don’t eat much meat. Periodically my body screams at me for meat and I’ll go looking for some chicken, lamb or sometimes pork. I almost never eat beef. I just don’t like it. This has happened over may years, just gradually, not consciously, eating less meat. As a diabetic, nuts work very well for me. They have a decent amount of protein and very few carbs. I live in West Virginia and there are a lot of organic, anti-B-free, hormone-free meat choices. My milk and eggs come directly from the farm of a friend and we make our own butter. My eldest and youngest sons follow my eating habits and the middle one and dad are major meat-eaters. As far as vegetarians living longer, I think it’s prolly true and, at least in part, due to being more likely to be health conscious. Going vegan/vegetarian generally means your consciously deciding to pro-active health-wise, thus more likely to treat their bodies better and more knowledgeably, hence, living longer. I’m pretty sure I’ve got at least two run-on sentences going here.
Haha yeah it’s true for me nyokki. I was always the weird kid who would eat only the side dish for no real reason. My parents tried to make me eat meat by telling me that eating chicken wings would make it more likely for me to learn how to fly, and eating fish would make me be a better swimmer. Yes I believed them.
Also it sounds like you live in a very idyllic place which is enviable. You could tell from the photos you posted a while ago too.
As an aussie – I’d like to present the ads shown on our tv stations to promote eating red meat – search on youtube “Sam Neil” and “Red Meat”. Basically – eating red meat .. makes you smarter, and is the reason we evolved. Ummm… being the internet – YMMV.
Personally, people can be as vegetarian as the like, up until the point where their desire for no meat products interferes with the production of my omnivorous diet, you don’t like your lentil patties being cooked on the same BBQ as my steaks – too bad.
One question – if our teeth are for an omnivourous diet – do vegans need all their teeth?
Wow dat some scientific evidence you got there ’cause they said it on TV.
I’m sorry, yes meat was part of the reason why our brain evolved the way it did, no it is not required any more for the greater majority of people living on this planet and it definitely does not make you smarter. Show me one single reference, study or doctor who supports that claim.
When they tell you that MTV plays good music, do you believe that too?
Regarding the argument that being a vegan is too expensive in the old US of A:
This is mostly false.
There is mostly rumor spreading, and it based solely on those vegans who choose to purchase expensive ‘meat-replacement’ type foods. I am a foolish man who likes his comfort food, so I am one of those people. I am making a conscious effort to greatly remove these kinds of foods from my diet, because they aren’t actually very healthy, and they are rather expensive (though Wal-Mart and Target carrying many of these, at a lower price, has made me falter on this path).
Eating vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans and grains is not expensive. Even those vegans that choose only to eat more expensive organic foods can still save money compared to meat eaters.
This also depends on portion size. As Americans our bodies are often used to a big fat pile of food, and making up for this with a vegetarian diet can be hard at first. You have to learn the right amount of protein to make your stomach happy.
I fucking love Tofurky. That is one ‘fake meat’ that will not be removed from my diet. EVER.
Regarding the need for teeth:
Gorillas have the same dental formula as humans, but are classified as herbivores (foliovores). They use their canines to break hard plants (like bamboo). They do ingest insects, but rarely intentionally, normally this just comes in with the plants they are consuming. So, explain why they have teeth that are often brought up in arguments using teeth as a reason for us to eat meat? (note that gorillas diverged about 7 million years ago)
Gorillas have the same dental formula as humans, but are classified as herbivores (foliovores). They use their canines to break hard plants (like bamboo). They do ingest insects, but rarely intentionally, normally this just comes in with the plants they are consuming. So, explain why they have teeth that are often brought up in arguments using teeth as a reason for us to eat meat? (note that gorillas diverged about 7 million years ago)
Requote for great fucking justice.
Thank you Joseph. I was too tired to explain all of it. I’m so tired, my mind is on the blink. I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink.
The last two lines are from a Beatles song (:
Oh yah, the Beatles were/are vegetarians also. Damn they’re everywhere, from world-renowned scientists to famous musicians. I guess the lack of red meat really brings out the stupidity in people. That must be it.
jeez woman your on a fucking rampage chill the fuck out. All I was stating was my perspective on why it would be impossible for myself and only myself to cut meat from my diet. I understand exactly what you said in all of your 100 thousand posts that you have made here. The reason why I said “don’t kill me” was so that you wouldn’t fucking attack me like you seem to do with everyone else on here who remotely even wants to state an opinion or something they have come across and the whole “I just enjoy animals very much…they’re delicious!” part was meant to be taken on a lighter not and to reiterate that I was in no part calling you out or trying to be hostile. You although in MY OPINION come off a very uptight strung up feministic bitch who needs a good amount of meat(in more ways than one) to calm the fuck down. In the end you have to remember this is just the internet and arguing with anyone on here about anything is fully retarded and before you say anything yes I at times can be retarded too but I’m working hard to fix that. Your obviously also very intelligent, strong willed and opinionated… so how about you use those skills of yours to help the immediate world around you rather than sitting at a pc trying to defend and argue every single post that happens to be posted. Also again chill out smoke a bowl or something that stress will definitely kill you especially stressing over posts on the interwebs.
Nah dude, you’re the one cursing and being all defensive. I’m having a good time actually, this is why I’m here, to talk about things that I’m interested in with interesting people. Some of them are admirable people who disagree with me, some are people like you.
You were specifically attacking my comments regarding the study I cited, which is why I replied in the manner like I did. You did not just state your perspective. At least stand by what you said like a man.
I appreciate those strawman arguments, however I think it is you who should consult his doctor. Have him check up on those delusions of yours, because I haven’t said anything feminist or unwarranted in this thread whatsoever. Have a nice day and remember, eat loads of carrots because they’re good for your eyes.
@fracked again
I’ve heard some rumours, though I can’t verify anything because I don’t have a TV.
It didn’t seem like either of you were being offensive or defensive (beyond defending your argument, of course) until baked goods’ last post, in which the speaker seems very defensive.
Also, “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts.â€
Well he suggested I’m an “uptight feministic bitch.” Unless I hadn’t made a comment about my gender in this thread he wouldn’t even know that I’m a woman so he’s got obviously some issues. Mister bakedgoods needs to re-examine his baked because they’re not very goods.
😐 There are bad people too who were vegetarians (ie. Hitler had a form of vegetarianism he followed for his diet), dieA. And I’m sure you know that. But you know every internet argument has to have a reference to WWII in some way.
Haha aw. Yeah Godwin’s law. Oh hey Charles Manson is a vegetarian as well. That’s pretty much about it though or can you think of anyone else. Not that evilness makes people automatically stupid, intelligent people are capable of having bad intentions as well.
If you bothered to read what I said, you might have noticed that I said “vegetables BY THEMSELVES.” [caps added to help you figure it out] This would tend to exclude nuts, seeds, and oils, since those don’t count fit into the category of “vegetables BY THEMSELVES.” In case you’re wondering why I said this, go ahead and read the text on the image.
Thanks for trying anyway.
Oh, and chimpanzees are known to eat meat. 0.00% would therefore be both an inaccurate and an overly-precise number.
If at first you don’t succeed…
@jade: please read the rest of the thread. You can get enough protein from vegetables, but your food intake would be, well, ridiculous. The picture does say it that way, I’ll give you that. However, the chimp argument is already swept away.
@nobody knows: Angry rebuttal about how your face is stupid.
I might have taken your words too literally but you have done the same with the text on the picture so there you go. Like seriously, who insists you should eat only vegetables and nothing else?
One last time, I did not say that, chimpanzees, FLAT OUT, don’t eat meat. [caps added to help you figure it out] I said in comparison to the diet of man who still needs meat to survive the diet of ALL APES combined doesn’t consist of meat. Why? Because they can survive without it, their bodies have adapted, unlike the body of man, even if they DO eat meat because nothing else is available. So my statement of 0.00% was correct in this context. Learn2logic.
Also protip: Many comments is what Tiki prefers and likes, so complain somewhere else.
None of this will change the fact that I think bacon cheeseburgers taste awesome. Slap an onion slice and lettuce leaf on there to add some crunch and roughage, and I’m a happy puppy.
I can do amazing things with meat alternatives when my vegetarian sister comes to visit (last time, made her the best veggie burger she’d ever had). Fortunately, she’s not the type to lecture me on how her diet is just SO superior. And making meals for her is just ingredient substitution, no hassle.
We’ve each made our choice. We may make jokes at each other about it, but we’re not trying to convert each other.
/not sticking around to debate, so don’t bother
//every fucking time, both sides jump to the defense of their diet with more vehemence than is actually necessary (or helpful, for that matter)
///other people eat things you don’t and/or don’t eat things you do, get over it
You can very well get enough proteins by eating nuts, seeds and oils with your vegetables as well as leguminous plants. How do you think animals like elephants get so big and strong without any meat? It sure isn’t magic. But let’s compare humans to animals that are closer to them than elephants, like gorillas, chimpanzees and orang utans. If you take those together, 0.00% of their diet is meat.
Can every human on this planet be healthy without meat? No. Especially not children, old and sick people. Is it perfectly possible for the greater majority and would it mean an immense improvement concerning the quality of the lives of people everywhere as well as our environment? Yes.
I understand PETA are a bunch of fascists and that there are annoying vegetarians who act like killing an animal is the same as killing a human which is nonsense, but there are no laws that force you to be a vegetarian so why are you so bothered by the fact that there are people who advocate a vegetarian diet? Maybe you should check again.
Oh yeah actually, logical arguments didn’t help the last time so here are some fancy quotes. Creationists will usually say things like, oh but I ain’t related to no monkey. Though most people on here who rage all over the place when this subject comes up appear to be atheists or at least evolutionists so how about this:
“What I am doing is going along with the fact that I live in a society where meat eating is accepted as the norm, and it requires a level of social courage which I haven’t yet produced to break out of that. It’s a little bit like the position which many people would have held a couple of hundred years ago over slavery. Where lots of people felt morally uneasy about slavery but went along with it because the whole economy of the South depended upon slavery.â€
– Richard Dawkins
“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.â€
– Albert Einstein
I mean Albert was tight, or no? He must have known what he’s talking about.
woa woa woa! elephants don’t eat meat?!?!?
That’s right. The elephant’s ancestors used to eat meat, but then they studied some Einstein and were like wow this shit is dope, let’s do it.
Chimpanzees eat meat sometimes. National Geographic told me and showed me.
A bunch of chimpanzees hunted down a monkey, bashed it to some rocks and the ate it. And then they killed some random chimp and then ripped his testicles off. Not cool, that should have been an ethnic girl.
I said gorillas, chimpanzees and orang utans all together in comparison to the diet of man, I didn’t say there isn’t a single one of them that goes nuts and kills other animals to eat them. There are people who are cannibals, I doubt that will make you consider eating another man. Way to miss my point, not that I’m surprised.
“You can very well get enough proteins by eating nuts”
i can’t make it past this without giggling
What, leave me alone. I like nuts. They’re very filling though so always have some orange juice ready.
die wins the day.
I <3 Albert.
While Lambs argument is put forth in a rather silly manner with a completely unneeded racial remark, the truth of it is that apes do eat other animals, though the majority of this is invertebrates. Some, such as the chimpanzee, do in fact eat other smaller vertebrates. However, generally, primates do not need to consistently eat invertebrates or vertebrates to maintain a healthy diet. Additionally, among primates, only humans and chimpanzees regularly and consistently hunt meat. Primates do not need meat, but it can be necessary in situations where other sources of proteins and other nutrients common in meat are not abundant from non-animal sources.
Comparative Anatomy and Physiology Brought Up to Date Part 2A
The Predatory Behavior and Ecology of Wild Chimpanzees
Also, apes are fucking cool. And I like the way “leguminous plants” sounds in my head.
What he said… and some gypsy hating.
God damn it Lamb, I really just want to punch you in the face.
You don’t understand what my argument was. Lamb is an uneducated child.
I didn’t say that apes don’t eat animals at all. But the three categories in comparison with the diet of man, do not eat meat. This is still not my point, the OP here is suggesting that the human body can’t absorb proteins and carbs without meat, when my example above obviously disproves that. Even if there are some apes who eat meat. There are also some people who eat humans, does that mean the diet of man is automatically man?
Lamb just agrees with everyone who disagrees with me, he doesn’t comprehend any of this.
I think I still haven’t made it clear enough for some. So here’s one last try. If there’s no meat available for an ape, he can go without it. He will survive perfectly and be healthy.
A man on the other hand who just stops eating meat all of a sudden could become sick. This is why right now you would say the diet of man contains meat, even if there are some people like me or RSIxidor, who can survive without it.
Jesus Christ, I didn’t disagree.. I just said chimps eat meat. Now I’m going to disagree with what you said now: You didn’t say they can live without meat, you said they don’t eat meat.
This is you: “gorillas, chimpanzees and orang utans. If you take those together, 0.00% of their diet is meat.”
Stop being all pissy like, I just added some info.
And comparing cannibals to chimps that eat meat is just dumb. Seriously, you’re not even trying anymore. This isn’t fun anymore.
I said gorillas, chimpanzees and orang utans, in comparison to the diet of man don’t eat meat. I didn’t say, flat out, they don’t eat meat.
I compared cannibals to apes because you said, “A bunch of chimpanzees hunted down a monkey.” Not because I think eating animals is like cannibalism, since I mentioned in my first comment here that killing animals is not the same as killing humans.
Don’t put words in my mouth and then say it’s dumb.
“You can very well get enough proteins by eating nutsâ€
You know I actually considered writing walnuts instead of nuts but then I thought, let them have it.
Oh, shit, I fucked up. I was only arguing with stupid ass about the chimpanzee argument, which is basically limited to chimpanzees, but I think I fucked that up to.
Just ignore me and listen to die.
And also.
“You can very well get enough proteins by eating nutsâ€
Sorry I got here late, but I had to finish my ribeye. With bacon.
Although “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts”
“You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I’ll buy you a new car.”
Antagonista, you’re right on! I stopped eating meat a year and a half ago and I barely miss it. Occasionally I feel like I could really go for some bacon, but otherwise, my diet hasn’t suffered at all. Plenty of nuts, beans and eggs get me all the protein I need.
Plus, you simply cannot trust meat in the US, it’s a filthy industry. If you want your daily dose of hormones, antibiotics and fecal matter, by all means, go eat yourself some meat.
Chimps aren’t monkeys, they are primates. So in reality it wouldn’t be cannibalistic for a chimp to eat a monkey of sorts. Oh and “you can very well get enough protein by eating nutsâ€.
Thank you noodles. I’m glad you understood what I meant too. The only reason why meat consumption became such a nasty thing is because of mass production and the people behind it, who try to squeeze every penny out of what’s available. If you take a single farmer, like my grandfather who has a couple animals and his corn fields, that doesn’t do anyone any harm, selling a chicken or a pig every now and then. That kind of thing I do support, but what they have turned meat into is just ugly. If I lived on some small island without any machines and cars, just a couple people with beautiful skin who hunt occasionally, that would be the only way I’d be willing enjoy meat.
Yeah but they’re closely related aren’t they?
Cool diagram.
@... die & noodles: The USDA and many auditors such as SQF do a damn good job of ensuring food safety standards are met both within the production and farming sector as well as retail and market. They all know its cheaper to make sure everything is done properly than get slapped with a $250,000 fine or a law suit. Also from my studies at A&M about 80% of total fast food “beef” is shipped (frozen) from Australia.
Besides “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts.”
You can do fine as a vegan or vegetarian, but I love a good steak and bacon, well, hells bells, thats some good stuff. You can get enough protein from eating nothing but white rice because you make most of the amino acids you need, and the rest, you get from bug parts that are mixed in.
Yeah, I’m making one of the very few exceptions to vegetarianism this Thursday, as my wife and I are hosting Thanksgiving for the first time. I don’t expect my whole extended family to follow the same diet we do, so I found a small, free range, family run turkey farm about 30 miles out of town. Organically fed, anti-b and hormone free, happy birds. I picked mine out myself. I’m going to slow-smoke it for 8 hours.
Otherwise, yeah, the notion that we need meat in every meal is unique to just the past few decades. Meat used to be served possibly once a week, and on special occasions. Now with the ubiquitous meat “products” as a result of factory farming, high volume feed lots, and the wonders of chemistry, we can stuff our faces with it breakfast lunch and dinner. Cause its the American Way dammit!
I don’t live in America, I’m talking globally bro. Though I imagine American farmers aren’t too happy about shipped meat from Australia.
Christian Bale is a vegetarian since the age of 7. If he can get too look like he did for American Psycho then I’m pretty sure I won’t have any problems either.
Also why turn that line into a meme. Couldn’t you have picked something that I said that is a little smarter.
You’ve got a lot of faith in the USDA. Read some Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman. The USDA is nothing but a revolving door for corporate lobbyists. It’s all former Monsanto execs who do nothing look out for their own corporate interests. Have you not noticed the increasing frequencies of e coli and salmonella outbreaks as a result of contaminated factory foods?
dA, Aussie eh? I lived in Sydney for a stint, loved it.
Yeah, there are a lot of attractive celebs and athletes who abstain from the meat, and they’re increasing in numbers.
mmmm…Natalie Portman…
die: nuts(slang) = testicles, combine that with the protein aspect, and we have ourselves some web-wit.
there is no scientific evidence that confirms humans were meant to be herbivores. to the contrary the proof is that we were meant to omnivores—not necessarily hunters, but opportunistic eaters, scavengers.
the arguments for a vegetarian diet are ethical at best and, that’s fine.
or, “if we weren’t meant to eat animals, they wouldn’t be so damn tasty!”
and, in closing: “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts.â€
“if we weren’t meant to eat animals, they wouldn’t be so damn tasty!†I always get sick of that logic. I hear human meat is tasty, so I guess we’re meant to eat that. Or how about, if we weren’t meant to shot herion, they wouldn’t make it feel so good…
Haha nah I don’t live in Australia either. Or I guess I do, I live in Austr(al)ia.
That’s funny el zarco, you know what the German slang term for testicles is? Eier, which means eggs. Oh yes.
Scientific evidence for a lifestyle and convictions in regards to our environment? What scientific evidence is there that supports any kind of act of compassion. There isn’t. Love is illogical. We don’t live natural lives when it comes to our machines, cars and computers but when it comes to food you want to act natural? I don’t know, if you really want to go there, here’s some strictly scientific evidence.
“A study from the Loma Linda University has found that vegetarians live about seven years longer, and vegans live about 15 years longer than meat eaters. These studies are further supported by the Chinese Health Project (the largest population study on diet and health to date). They found Chinese people who eat the least amount of fat and animal products have the lowest risk of cancer, heart attack and other diseases.
Further proof comes from a British research that tracked 6,000 and 5,000 meat eaters for 12 years to find that vegetarians were 40 percent less likely to die from cancer during that time and 20 percent less likely to die from other diseases.”
Ahh, misunderstood, you’re talking about meat from Australia, not yourself.
I should learn to read. And also infer from your German net handle.
Adding to the shitstorm:
I dig out hot dogs from the trash,
for disert I eat some worms.
Anyone who likes bacon would definitely like human flesh. It’s the closest to our flesh, which is why I always say that I would totally eat people under the right circumstances. Like if I were a prisoner who escaped together with other prisoners, trying to hike through a desert and then had to systematically kill every companion in order to survive.
It’s cool noodles, you figured out that you should drop the “die” when addressing me so that’s pretty awesome already. But it is indeed meant to be an ambiguous German/English thing.
But meat is so delicious.
🙂 4 semesters in college, plus a year ago I made a pilgrimage to my namesake…,+6.759E&sll=50.374101,6.758946&sspn=0.010059,0.01929&ie=UTF8&ll=50.374475,6.758115&spn=0.005029,0.009645&t=h&z=17
After watching videos on cows pretty much getting tortured to death, I have tried several times to go vegan, but as someone who strength trains, it’s really hard. The cravings are insane, muscle mass starts disappearing in days, and beef and cholesterol go hand in hand with testosterone.
That’s so dope. I have said this before, but I have immense respect for anyone who makes an effort to learn German at all. German grammar is ridiculous for people who don’t speak it as their first language. And that is a very sweet area, Nordrhein Westfalen rules.
Prince Fielder of the Milwaukee Brewers is a vegetarian. Dude has loads of muscle mass, 46 home runs last year.
Veganism isn’t for everybody, I know some people’s bodies react poorly to it (and I personally just can’t give up cheese) but being aware of where your food comes from, making conscientious decisions, and not just mindless consuming industrialized animal products is a good way to go.
OK what is going on below the cucumber. I guess it is a vegetable of some sort but to me it looks like… giant grub worms… BLAURGH.
also, “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts.â€
driver01z – ginger root.
Below the cucumber… are ginger roots. Don’t tell me you don’t like ginger. Dude. I like mine with long hair and big boobs. Or, alternatively, with an Irish flavour and beard.
Oh and I agree noodles. You’re absolutely right, like I said in my first comment, some peoples’ bodies can adapt others never will. That’s why PETA and shit organisations like that are so, well shitty. I’ve never seen them make a disclaimer about that or anything. So we’re on the same page as far as politics and ethics go. High five.
I was fish + vegetarian as a kid, and wasn’t really healthy until beef went on the diet. I can’t say for certain it made the difference, but I’m happiest with steak threatened with fire.
not “Man show fire to meat and then eat it while it still squirts and pulses.”
“Medium Rare” = “Good vet could get it up on its feet in an hour or two.” That’s not cooked with fire. Thats threatened with fire.
Start seasoning steak and before you know it? You’re French. No. I go to my personal butcher and say, “Give me a piece of meat that’s been sawn off an animal.” And they throw me a chunk of animal. And then I say “Show me the animal this meat was sawn off.” And they show me a picture of a crying cow with a gaping hole in its side. And I say “Did the animal cry when you sawed my piece of meat off it?” And they show me a ziploc bag full of cow tears. And I say, “Rub that on my steak! Let that be my seasoning!”
Warren Ellis on how to cook properly
Yeah it’s not a good idea for children not to eat meat at all. And you can’t compare that to how your body might react now.
I’m a big fan of Warren.
INTERNET HIGH FIVE. btw, I was addressing Messatsunokami in terms of the muscle mass issue.
@fracked again – thank you for that lulz
I admit, Mr. Ellis brought the lulz. I think I’m following him on Twitter. But I can’t remember why.
i don’t think my comment at anytime wasn’t in step with any of your statements
biologists who’ve studied human evolution agree that we are opportunistic eaters. this means our ancestors ate what they could find in order to survive. additionaly, i stated that the argument for vegetarianism was ethical: i believe that would cover the acts of compassion, love, the environment.
your scientific evidence however do no more than what logiticians call “begging the the question.” in other words, people with vegetarian diets are healthier than people without, so therefore it must be the vegetarian diet.
no scientific study has every proven that vegetarians live longer or are healthier due to their vegetarian diet. fact is they suffer, on average, the same amount of medical conditions as those who include animal products in their diet. not necessarily the same, ie, vegetarians are less predisposed to cancer, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get it or aren’t suffering from other serious illnesses.
if however you were to have said “evidence strongly suggests” i would completely agree with you. the more likely case is that someone who is stopping to think about what they are putting in their bodies in regard to processed meat is also more likely to avoid junk food, fried foods, processed foods, alcohol, carcinogens etc. and are more likely to exercise. All of these factors combined lead to a healthier lifestyle. but then again there are plenty of people on the planet who eat meat and exercise and avoid junk food and are just as healthy.
additionally your claim regarding primates being “vegetarians” is false. unless you don’t consider insects being from the animal kingdom. many primates in captivity suffer from lack of b12, because they’re not getting it from the insects they regularly digest along with their fruits and veggies.
also, the tasty animals thing was probably childish and didn’t help my cause. i simply thought of if because of the rabbit quote, cause i love rabbit.
I wasn’t begging the question. See I didn’t say that the information I provided proves that vegetarians live longer, just that it’s scientific evidence. You were the one who brought it up, in fact you are the one who was much more confident about it as if it’s all proved and accepted for sure you said “the proof is that we were meant to omnivores.”
Never mind that you didn’t provide any proof whatsoever, any studies or anything.
The paragraph I posted is based on studies that apply to how people live today, if a person decides to eat healthier and becoming vegetarian is just a side effect – what does that have to do with anything? If in this world, for some people, the only way to be healthy is to avoid meat then that isn’t against anything I have said so far either.
As for your claims concerning vegetarians, again show me a reference to anything or I don’t see why I should believe it. I’m not going to take the word of a stranger on the Internet for it.
You don’t understand what my claim was. If you compare the diet of apes to the diet of man, they are adapted to surviving on a meat free diet while man is not. I can’t make it any clearer than that.
However this was not my claim, the OP implies that the human body cannot absorb proteins and carbs without meat, when this is clearly false. The proof lies in the survival of apes, as well as various personalities that are known all over the world.
Such as, Ghandi, Anna Paquin, Kate Bush, Yehudi Menuhin, Voltaire, Pythagoras, Diogenes, Newton, Da Vinci, Thoreau, Shaw, Tolstoy, Naomi Watts, Mark Twain, Brooke Shields, Bob Dylan, Woody Harrelson, Martin Luther, Schopenhauer, Weird Al Yankovich, Grace Slick, Benjamin Zephaniah, Farin Urlaub, Killer Kowalski, Andreas Cahling, Leonard Nimoy, William Blake, Anne Hathaway, and so on.
PS: You can get B12 by eating eggs, eggs are not meat so once more, this is completely besides the point and shows that you either know very little or think you can fool me.
Sorry when I write Ghandi, of course I mean Gandhi. I don’t like Gandhi, old habit of mine.
lol i remember training for Marine OCS and having nothing but trail mix to eat for 4 days one weekend…kept my energy up and my stomach full but was never enough calories. And we were doing some pretty f*#$ing intense PT 22 hours/day.
Yeah I eat less meat now, and I don’t eat fast food burgers. I don’t over-indulge is what I mean. Just for sustenance.
Sweet, I think this means I win! I’ve been a vegetarian for like a year now… but I’ll occasionally have a bite of meat, preferably not the kind from the slaughterhouses. The thing is, I don’t like the taste anymore. At all.
But I have a 5-year-old… and he can eat all the meat he wants! Not that we usually have any at home, but when we go to restaurants or houses of friends or family – he can eat as much meat as he’d like! =D
Just because a chimp is closely related to me doesn’t mean I wouldn’t serve it for dinner. In the right circumstances I would even eat human if need be. Also just speaking for myself but I’m in no way rich or have the disposable income necessary to cut meat products out of my diet. I don’t know if you noticed but to be vegan is very pricey indeed. That might also account for why some of those people who the study was based on were in healthier conditions. I doubt the study spoke of their subjects incomes and ability to provide themselves with the highest quality products as a result. Just a thought, don’t kill me please I just enjoy animals very much…they’re delicious!
You do realise that this is not what this was about at all? I only happened to call it cannibalism to explain my point, not because I care about you eating animals or whatever has eyes and runs around in a circle.
I live in Europe and for me it’s cheaper to not eat meat. However even if meat were cheaper, if it’s not good for me that’s the number one investment I’d make above everything else. You get to have but one body, what else are you going to spend it for.
You live in America am I right? So far I have heard only from Americans that they have to spend more money on vegetables and fruits than meat. You see it does not depend on money, it depends on where you live. Now come up with something that actually makes sense, show me some other studies that disprove this, anything, but this is a non issue.
The fact that you said,
shows that you didn’t understand a thing I said in this thread. Have I said anywhere that anyone shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy meat?
Maybe give me a chance, read the things I write and then make assumptions about me. I have read everything you wrote so far.
I’m not a vegetarian, but don’t eat much meat. Periodically my body screams at me for meat and I’ll go looking for some chicken, lamb or sometimes pork. I almost never eat beef. I just don’t like it. This has happened over may years, just gradually, not consciously, eating less meat. As a diabetic, nuts work very well for me. They have a decent amount of protein and very few carbs. I live in West Virginia and there are a lot of organic, anti-B-free, hormone-free meat choices. My milk and eggs come directly from the farm of a friend and we make our own butter. My eldest and youngest sons follow my eating habits and the middle one and dad are major meat-eaters. As far as vegetarians living longer, I think it’s prolly true and, at least in part, due to being more likely to be health conscious. Going vegan/vegetarian generally means your consciously deciding to pro-active health-wise, thus more likely to treat their bodies better and more knowledgeably, hence, living longer. I’m pretty sure I’ve got at least two run-on sentences going here.
Oh…and I forgot to mention that none of the kids really liked meat at all until 10-12 years old. Is that true in anyone else’s experience?
Haha yeah it’s true for me nyokki. I was always the weird kid who would eat only the side dish for no real reason. My parents tried to make me eat meat by telling me that eating chicken wings would make it more likely for me to learn how to fly, and eating fish would make me be a better swimmer. Yes I believed them.
Also it sounds like you live in a very idyllic place which is enviable. You could tell from the photos you posted a while ago too.
As an aussie – I’d like to present the ads shown on our tv stations to promote eating red meat – search on youtube “Sam Neil” and “Red Meat”. Basically – eating red meat .. makes you smarter, and is the reason we evolved. Ummm… being the internet – YMMV.
Personally, people can be as vegetarian as the like, up until the point where their desire for no meat products interferes with the production of my omnivorous diet, you don’t like your lentil patties being cooked on the same BBQ as my steaks – too bad.
One question – if our teeth are for an omnivourous diet – do vegans need all their teeth?
Wow dat some scientific evidence you got there ’cause they said it on TV.
I’m sorry, yes meat was part of the reason why our brain evolved the way it did, no it is not required any more for the greater majority of people living on this planet and it definitely does not make you smarter. Show me one single reference, study or doctor who supports that claim.
When they tell you that MTV plays good music, do you believe that too?
Bacon tastes good. If that is what human flesh tastes like, than I am on board. As long as THEY don’t mind.
And “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts.â€
Regarding the argument that being a vegan is too expensive in the old US of A:
This is mostly false.
There is mostly rumor spreading, and it based solely on those vegans who choose to purchase expensive ‘meat-replacement’ type foods. I am a foolish man who likes his comfort food, so I am one of those people. I am making a conscious effort to greatly remove these kinds of foods from my diet, because they aren’t actually very healthy, and they are rather expensive (though Wal-Mart and Target carrying many of these, at a lower price, has made me falter on this path).
Eating vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans and grains is not expensive. Even those vegans that choose only to eat more expensive organic foods can still save money compared to meat eaters.
This also depends on portion size. As Americans our bodies are often used to a big fat pile of food, and making up for this with a vegetarian diet can be hard at first. You have to learn the right amount of protein to make your stomach happy.
I fucking love Tofurky. That is one ‘fake meat’ that will not be removed from my diet. EVER.
Regarding the need for teeth:
Gorillas have the same dental formula as humans, but are classified as herbivores (foliovores). They use their canines to break hard plants (like bamboo). They do ingest insects, but rarely intentionally, normally this just comes in with the plants they are consuming. So, explain why they have teeth that are often brought up in arguments using teeth as a reason for us to eat meat? (note that gorillas diverged about 7 million years ago)
Requote for great fucking justice.
Thank you Joseph. I was too tired to explain all of it. I’m so tired, my mind is on the blink. I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink.
You should. Fix me one, too. I won’t be able to drink it, but its the thought that counts.
The last two lines are from a Beatles song (:
Oh yah, the Beatles were/are vegetarians also. Damn they’re everywhere, from world-renowned scientists to famous musicians. I guess the lack of red meat really brings out the stupidity in people. That must be it.
Also, just because its in a song, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow the instructions.
That’s some good advice if I ever heard it. One thing I can tell you is you got to be free.
We all want to change the world.
jeez woman your on a fucking rampage chill the fuck out. All I was stating was my perspective on why it would be impossible for myself and only myself to cut meat from my diet. I understand exactly what you said in all of your 100 thousand posts that you have made here. The reason why I said “don’t kill me” was so that you wouldn’t fucking attack me like you seem to do with everyone else on here who remotely even wants to state an opinion or something they have come across and the whole “I just enjoy animals very much…they’re delicious!” part was meant to be taken on a lighter not and to reiterate that I was in no part calling you out or trying to be hostile. You although in MY OPINION come off a very uptight strung up feministic bitch who needs a good amount of meat(in more ways than one) to calm the fuck down. In the end you have to remember this is just the internet and arguing with anyone on here about anything is fully retarded and before you say anything yes I at times can be retarded too but I’m working hard to fix that. Your obviously also very intelligent, strong willed and opinionated… so how about you use those skills of yours to help the immediate world around you rather than sitting at a pc trying to defend and argue every single post that happens to be posted. Also again chill out smoke a bowl or something that stress will definitely kill you especially stressing over posts on the interwebs.
Wait, dA, MTV started playing music again?
I like baked goods, too. With nuts. Ya know, for the protein.
Nah dude, you’re the one cursing and being all defensive. I’m having a good time actually, this is why I’m here, to talk about things that I’m interested in with interesting people. Some of them are admirable people who disagree with me, some are people like you.
You were specifically attacking my comments regarding the study I cited, which is why I replied in the manner like I did. You did not just state your perspective. At least stand by what you said like a man.
I appreciate those strawman arguments, however I think it is you who should consult his doctor. Have him check up on those delusions of yours, because I haven’t said anything feminist or unwarranted in this thread whatsoever. Have a nice day and remember, eat loads of carrots because they’re good for your eyes.
@fracked again
I’ve heard some rumours, though I can’t verify anything because I don’t have a TV.
It didn’t seem like either of you were being offensive or defensive (beyond defending your argument, of course) until baked goods’ last post, in which the speaker seems very defensive.
Also, “you can very well get enough protein by eating nuts.â€
Well he suggested I’m an “uptight feministic bitch.” Unless I hadn’t made a comment about my gender in this thread he wouldn’t even know that I’m a woman so he’s got obviously some issues. Mister bakedgoods needs to re-examine his baked because they’re not very goods.
😐 There are bad people too who were vegetarians (ie. Hitler had a form of vegetarianism he followed for his diet), dieA. And I’m sure you know that. But you know every internet argument has to have a reference to WWII in some way.
Haha aw. Yeah Godwin’s law. Oh hey Charles Manson is a vegetarian as well. That’s pretty much about it though or can you think of anyone else. Not that evilness makes people automatically stupid, intelligent people are capable of having bad intentions as well.
I knew about Hitler, but not about Manson. I tried to find more, but I could not at this time.
Holy crap. That’s a bunch of comments.
If you bothered to read what I said, you might have noticed that I said “vegetables BY THEMSELVES.” [caps added to help you figure it out] This would tend to exclude nuts, seeds, and oils, since those don’t count fit into the category of “vegetables BY THEMSELVES.” In case you’re wondering why I said this, go ahead and read the text on the image.
Thanks for trying anyway.
Oh, and chimpanzees are known to eat meat. 0.00% would therefore be both an inaccurate and an overly-precise number.
If at first you don’t succeed…
Angry comment about eating meat.
@jade: please read the rest of the thread. You can get enough protein from vegetables, but your food intake would be, well, ridiculous. The picture does say it that way, I’ll give you that. However, the chimp argument is already swept away.
@nobody knows: Angry rebuttal about how your face is stupid.
I might have taken your words too literally but you have done the same with the text on the picture so there you go. Like seriously, who insists you should eat only vegetables and nothing else?
One last time, I did not say that, chimpanzees, FLAT OUT, don’t eat meat. [caps added to help you figure it out] I said in comparison to the diet of man who still needs meat to survive the diet of ALL APES combined doesn’t consist of meat. Why? Because they can survive without it, their bodies have adapted, unlike the body of man, even if they DO eat meat because nothing else is available. So my statement of 0.00% was correct in this context. Learn2logic.
Also protip: Many comments is what Tiki prefers and likes, so complain somewhere else.
None of this will change the fact that I think bacon cheeseburgers taste awesome. Slap an onion slice and lettuce leaf on there to add some crunch and roughage, and I’m a happy puppy.
I can do amazing things with meat alternatives when my vegetarian sister comes to visit (last time, made her the best veggie burger she’d ever had). Fortunately, she’s not the type to lecture me on how her diet is just SO superior. And making meals for her is just ingredient substitution, no hassle.
We’ve each made our choice. We may make jokes at each other about it, but we’re not trying to convert each other.
/not sticking around to debate, so don’t bother
//every fucking time, both sides jump to the defense of their diet with more vehemence than is actually necessary (or helpful, for that matter)
///other people eat things you don’t and/or don’t eat things you do, get over it
@Saborlas: You’re a cool guy, seriously. Doing that for your sister is bad ass, and I don’t see anything to argue with there.
Half of my relatives on my mom’s side are vegetarians. We somehow manage to get along. No one’s been killed and only one missing…