Every Halloween, we have a costume contest at work. I went as Dr. Manhattan this year.
Dr Manhattan costume
Added on November 16th, 2009 by Deleted_User | Report Post
Tags:Comic Books, Cosplay, MCS Halloween, Watchmen
Tags:Comic Books, Cosplay, MCS Halloween, Watchmen
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looks like you just blue yourself.
Wow, did you shave your head just for the costume? Your expression looks so authentic. I love it.
Not enough Cawk.
So did you win?
Im sure everybody was glad you went as television appearance Manhattan, and not as Dr. Manpackage
How does everyone have exactly 15 thumbs up?
Damn I came to post “I think I just blue myself” but Tiki beat me to it. Touche. Awesome show.
I guess I have to be the one to tell you the Hydrogen symbol is upside down.
AND you have blue eyes.
Your wife is fat, ugly and retarded. And she’s a liar. And a drug addict who sucks dick for money.
She cheats on you and you will never satisfy her