Governator’s Memo

fuck you california.jpg (67 KB)

If this was on purpose, that’d be awesome.

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    tiki god

    fuck yes this was on purpose. the bill that he’s shooting down there is sponsored by a guy that recently had a fund raiser.

    Arnold stopped by for shits and grins and was fucking booed at and yelled at and he had to make a tactical retreat.

    so yes, this was most likely very much 100% intentional.

    Luke Magnifico


    Arnold Schwarzenegger does not retreat.


    Arnold has sure done a great job fucking up the California Education System.

    tiki god

    I just wish that we lived in a country in which the Governor wasn’t the only person in the government that had any say in the laws 😉


    Personally I think it’s outrageous for the governator to
    insult all of San Francisco for the behavior of one gay
    Senator or Representative or whatever. I mean, so what —
    something the guy said offended him and he stunts like this?

    Of course punishing an entire harbor region by denying it
    funds to repair its port infrastructure is ridiculous. And
    from what I’ve seen writing this took his paid staff hours!


    Oh, I see what you did there.


    I get jokes


    Was it ever a good system to begin with, cholos & gangstas. I think not, you Sir r fail.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Don’t know exactly what Puulaahi was referring to, but the university system is one of the best in the world.

    Luke Magnifico

    Personally, I find the informality of this refreshing. Not standing on ceremony, no seemingly polite barbed comments flying back and forth, just a straight up punch thrown.

    What better use is there for his staff?

    Kik Dogg

    That is the most awesome “coincidence”.


    no no no.. we need to read the WHOLE message that way..
    it’s an indecent proposal..





    (so who is SA and why does the govenator want to fuck he/she/it?


    Somehow reading it doesn’t seem as magical as hearing it.


    Yeah that took me like ten minutes. Didn’t realize the typing font and the post font were differently proportioned tho.


    Still, great effort conan


    It’s to be said with a old south accent “Fuck You, Sah!”

    General X

    lol @kaz

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