what the shit is badmitten? i know what badminton is, but what the shit is badmitten? Opposite of goodmitten?
In after incorrect usage of “FML.”
Fake tennis is serious business.
what, sri lanka, or india, w/e that is, needs its skinny little runt monkeys to play sport so bad that they use armed soldiers to make them?
You’d better fucking win.
In after correct use of in after.
Sudden death badminton, duh.
This is a bad mitten
what the shit is badmitten?
i know what badminton is, but what the shit is badmitten? Opposite of goodmitten?
In after incorrect usage of “FML.”
Fake tennis is serious business.
what, sri lanka, or india, w/e that is, needs its skinny little runt monkeys to play sport so bad that they use armed soldiers to make them?
You’d better fucking win.
In after correct use of in after.
Sudden death badminton, duh.
This is a bad mitten