Well, seeing as how theme day has revolved around video games, for the most part. I submit to you screen shots that were posted by THQ just a few days ago. Nice timing, they must really follow up on M[c]S. I found all the photos here: http://www.thq.com/uk/game/show/5673/Warhammer%C2%AE%2040,000%E2%84%A2:%20Dawn%20of%20War%20II%C2%AE%20-%20Chaos%20Rising%E2%84%A2
Bonus: they have a teaser that you can watch. Giving you some kind of outline of the story.
I was disappointed though, by the direction the franchise had taken, seeing as how I’m more of a fan of the traditional base building games.
DOW2≠next generation Doppler On Wheels!
I was expecting, by the name of this post, that this was going to have pics of the next generation Doppler On Wheels truck. FAIL!
So, I haven’t played this game. But I’d like to. Especially when/if they add Tau.