if it was Romanian Lamb, you’d have to punch it in the face
Holy shit, I fucking lol’d.
That’s the tender one.
Was it family? My condolences.
A word to the wise, all meat products that come from Alberta have been fucked repeatedly by the farmer and his farm hands. That’s what that sticky residue is.
and fucking lambs is baaaaah-aaaaah-aaaaah-d.
When my dog eats lamb, one of his farts could clear a football stadium.
if it was Romanian Lamb, you’d have to punch it in the face
Holy shit, I fucking lol’d.
That’s the tender one.
Was it family? My condolences.
A word to the wise, all meat products that come from Alberta have been fucked repeatedly by the farmer and his farm hands. That’s what that sticky residue is.
and fucking lambs is baaaaah-aaaaah-aaaaah-d.
When my dog eats lamb, one of his farts could clear a football stadium.