terminator – the sarah connor chronicles – RIP

terminator - the sarah connor chronicles - RIP

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    I was so pissed that Fox canceled that show. They did not even shop it around to other networks.

    it had all the good things for a show. Robots, explosions, and hot chicks that are robots.


    Fuck you. The show completely ruined the terminator image and is a prime example of corporate greed and also how NOT to make a tv show from several movies.


    You’ve been sniffing glue again. This show rocked. It managed to keep interested and in the dark (just enough) about where it as leading. Then foop…gone.


    I haven’t seen it TBH, but as far as any tv show/movie advertisement with a model looking girl who is just TOO obliviously fake for the camera goes, I can assume it’s shit.

    Also have to add the fact that I’ve see all 3 Terminators (well there are 4 now, I didn’t see salvation but saw the ending) and can honestly say the terminator franchise/legacy has only 2 movies.(rise of the machines wasn’t that bad, but it totally had too much modernism compared to the others, and with todays standards, modernism usually includes overly exaggerated or focused inter-social drama.

    Luke Magnifico




    Also Salvation was pretty fuckin’ good.

    Luke Magnifico

    Also, what, do you expect her to carve off her own flesh? For an ad?

    Because if you’re referring to the rest of her, then you are incorrect. There is surprisingly little shoopage in this image, that’s just what she looks like.


    since you did not see the show I assume you are talking out your ass. try talking about shit you know dumbass.


    That made zero sense…again.

    Luke Magnifico

    Srsly, you mods let such riff-raff on MCS these days.


    I never watched the show so I don’t have an opinion on it either way.

    From what I understand, for most TV shows, the networks do not own the shows they broadcast. I believe a production company owns most shows. They shoot a pilot and try to “sell” it to a network. If one network does not decide to run it, they go to the next and so on. If a network decided to “pick it up” then they’ll shoot more episodes. If then the network decides to cancel the series after a season or two the production company can then try to take it to another network.

    This is what happened to the show “Scrubs”. It was on NBC but now it’s on ABC. This is also how many shows will go from one network to another major network or cable network in syndication, sometimes owned by a different major network. This is how the USA Network gets many of its syndicated shows.

    So, I’d say there is a chance you might see this show on SyFy sometime soon.


    So there’s hope? I noticed that NBC dropped Medium and CBS picked it up.


    And Higher ratings than Dollhouse yet Dollhouse was renewed to a season 2 premiere that SUCKED in ratings. Where would TSCC be in ratings I wonder?


    the reason tscc had bad ratings is because it was on fridays and peopleb would tivo it. tivo does not count in the ratings.


    I thought they did count that.


    Really great show, but I could see how it could have jumped the shark if they kept it going. Remember the cold opening where Sarah dreams about Los Alamos and soliloquizes “If you could go back in time and kill the scientists who developed the atomic bomb, would you?” Scenes like that were very true to the franchise.


    Nevermind the show, wtf is wrong with her ARM?


    Season finale.
    Johnny Cash: “When The Man Comes Around”
    Best scene ever.


    fuckimg totally agree


    Unfortunately it was the series finale.

    teezy weezy

    It was shit, wont be missed.


    I’ll admit, the show wasn’t all a Terminator show should have been. Hell they broke the established physics from the movies in the pilot episode. However, the last episode of the series showed that the next season could have been REALLY good. The show was finally starting to come into its own in the last half of the final season.


    I really thought it had potential. Most scifi shows take at least 2 seasons to work. All of them take time for some reason. I’m trying to think of a scifi series that worked well right from the beginning…blank. Maybe because of the very real anticipation of scifi fans, especially if it’s from a popular book, or movie series? Perhaps scifi fans tend to analyze every little thing in the show, movie or book?


    “Most scifi shows take at least 2 seasons to work.”

    I disagree.

    Take x-files or stargate sg-1 for example.

    For me anyway, with the exclusion of episodes with funny style music, almost no action, or deep social situations, one episode is enough to like the show.

    Most of all, I feel that the advertisement and the way the girl is fake for the camera (probably the directors fault) ruined it.


    You didn’t happen to notice the horrible acting in the first few episodes of both those shows? It was terrible. Scifi often neglects character development, though they’re getting better.

    BTW, I mean scifi as a genre, not a channel.


    Very first episode of SG-1 had naked chicks…then no more. Teasin’ bastards at HBO.

    Faked damage or just her, I’ll take Summer for 100 (nights) please, Alex.


    I disagree, Warehouse 13s début truly sucked, but they are quickly trying to find their stride and it now shows potential.


    Oh, and if Summer Glau’s insides match her outsides; I’m in love!

    tiki god

    BSG was good from the very first episode


    aweful show. salvation wasn’t very good eather.

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