EU vs USA Evolution

EU vs USA Evolution

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    I hate all this euro trash stuff. White people and Black people in general are fatasses. Doesn’t matter where you are.


    Fatasses can be found everywhere. I agree.


    I would expect a flame war commencing, but neither are good descriptions imo

    Alec Dalek

    This is fail. The Europeans don’t hunger for war anymore. Except Poland, apparently.


    It be better if it where a nigger with the ak-47.


    It be better if it wasn’t edited in MS Paint.


    It’d be better if it weren’t a lame ass troll.


    Europeans ARE in better shape than americans. No contest.

    Karatesaurus Rex

    Correct, every single living European is in better shape than every single living American.

    Every single Muslim also wants the death of America. Not one single Mexican family living in the US has legal citizenship. All of the black people on the planet love to smoke Menthol cigarettes. Oh yeah, and Asian people can fly…


    The asian fly thing, do you mean kamakazis?


    Ninjas have the power of flight. Ninjas know kung-fu. Kung-fun comes from Asia. Ergo, all Asians know kung-fu, are thus ninjas and can thus fly.



    Kung-fu, even. Kung-fun would be, uh, clown kung-fu? I don’t even know.


    I believe that Kung-Fun was Chris Farley’s style of Martial Art


    no wonder the world is so fucked up : |


    It’s nice to meet someone who has not yet heard of the term “average”.


    I lol’d.


    So according to this evolutionary tree I am European… Cool.


    So… Anyone know what evolutionary influences occurred that turned that bone into an AK-74? I’d like to… Errrmm… Replicate the conditions.

    Also, what’s with the bloody spade?


    Burying the bodies, of course.


    Ah… Duuuuh… Of course. Sheesh, I’m getting a little slow…


    Fuck this bullshit

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