Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn in Arkham Asylum.jpg (446 KB)

From the new game Batman: Arkham Asylum

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    Great game. Beat over the weekend.


    And I accidentallied a pronoun.


    Not the best rendition of Harley, but not bad.


    This was one of the few problems I had with the game, though I can see why the dark nature they wanted would have been hard to use her old costume. I like that they plainly state it as well, “How do you like my new uniform?”

    That said, my favorite part of this game was the Scarecrow sections. Absolutely brilliant. “Avoid Joker’s gun using the middle stick.”

    My least favorite? Killer Croc’s lair. Good grief this section was fracking annoying.

    Jesus Christ

    My husband and I are playing it on his PS3. I was surprised with it. I thought that the PS3 didn’t have any games.


    not many that aren’t available on the 360 as well. Haven’t found
    a game worthy enough to drop that dough for the ps3. new price cut is tempting, and the upcoming “MAG” may be the title.


    Little Big Planet has been awfully tempting for me. But I probably won’t buy one.


    Her hair is very silly.


    Including her voice, they where obviously going for a “co-dependent stripper with daddy issues” vibe.


    Metal Gear 4, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, Killzone 2,Little Big PLanet, The upcoming Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, God Of War3 and Gran Turismo 5,and MAG if it turns out good. The Ps3 has good exclusives and it’s getting a lot more so there are enough reasons to get it.

    tiki god

    not even one of those sounds interesting to me.


    wake me up when they have something on the level of teh halo franchise. or they have SceneIT games. or even a good online system.

    or hd-dvd. those fuckers.


    I just hope that the sony motion controler brings some life into ps3 O_o

    tiki god

    wasn’t it released with a six axis controller?

    that bombed?

    Dj. DreamStar

    she looks awesome love the game

    yeah I dont think there is a big reason 2 get a PS3
    if u have a 360 dont get a PS3 they have almost the same games
    if u have neither then just got with ya gut u wont be disappointing


    I liked Infamous quite a bit.

    Wouldn’t say it’s worth getting a PS3 just for that, but then, I already have one.

    I also like it for the built-in Blu-Ray and the lack of redrings.


    HQ still rocks…


    Wow, I feel like the only PS3 gamer here and everyone on here seem like 360 fanboys. But this game is one of the best I own on my PS3. There are alot more great games but this was the latest I played.

    Jesus Christ

    I’m not exactly console-exclusive so don’t think I’m trying to say anything against it, bro~ I love Little Big Planet and Arkham Asylum is a LOT of fun. I didn’t get into it really until the Scarecrow parts.

    Jesus Christ

    Oh, and if I sounded like a dick just now, I didn’t mean to. I’m truly a sweetheart. For serious.

    fracked again

    PS3 is fine, but I picked the 360 for a couple of franchises. I’m tempted to get the PS3 for bluray, but I think that even DVDs are going to go the way of VHS, at least where you can get a good internet connection. Stream everything.


    Honestly dude i have all three of this gens systems and my PS3 gets the most use out of them. The system i use the least? xb360. I think it is bullshit that i have to pay microsoft to use my own internet connection. I have to buy a seperate wi-fi adapter? My ps3 has one built in. I have to buy batteries and a goddamned charger cable/cradle? My ps3 came with controllers that charge via USB with a free USB cable or i can order a huge cable from newegg for like 10 bucks. But yeah half of this site is Xbox fanboys who can’t get over the fact that their hardware is inferior.


    I got the PS3 for blu-ray and to replace my failing 360, it came with 3 free BD’s, basically. I also bought the HD-DVD attachment at the same time when Amazon had it on sale with 2 free HD’s.

    I use my PS3 to play Rock Band 1/2 mainly. I don’t have to pay extra $$ to play online with people. Normally, though, if the game is available on PC and PS3, I’ll get it for my PC instead. The last game I bought for my 360 was Dead Rising which I admit is damned fun, but I can’t stand FPS’s (Halo [ugh], CoD, etc.) on a console and tend to get them for my PC as well.

    As far as streaming goes, PlayOn works extremely well on my PC/PS3 so I can watch stuff on HULU, Netflix, Amazon VOD, and more plus everything I have stored on my PC through my PS3. I was surprised it even did my .mkv and h.264 files. There’s also a nice program called “RunAsDate” that lets me keep the trial version of PlayOn thinking it’s on its first day, which is nice because their trial doesn’t lock out any functionality. 😉

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