Sleepy Kitty

Baldur.jpg (436 KB)

My kitty Baldur taking a nap on my arm.

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    Jesus Christ

    This cat is so cute that I actually logged in to comment that I made my husband come over and see what I was going, “D’aww!!” over! 😀


    Your cat’s name is awesome. My sisters named our cats. They are Sammy, Smokey, and Jack. I get to name the next one. It’s gonna be Mergatroid.




    Aww I love cats. So small and movable. A cat from the neighbor (I assume) came into the front porch a week or 2 ago. I brought it inside. My dog barked at it because the side door was open and it got all scared. I thought it escaped but a day later at around the same time, I see it come out from under the couch or something and I’m like, wtf! So I let it out.

    And another time there was this cat stuck in my tree so I called the animal shelter on it.

    I knew it was house broken, and it WAS really pretty and friendly, but it was just sitting up there making my dog bark, and we can get fined for that.

    BTW in case you didn’t know, any cats outside your yard is just like a dog.


    That made zero sense.






    I second that
    makes me miss my cat…she was awesome you could hold her upside-down and shed purr lol
    she knew when you were sick and would sleep with you shed squeak if i raised my voice so i couldnt stay mad for long
    brothers friend left the damn door open as he doesnt have pets
    that was 3 weeks ago…


    Man, fuck your dog. Have him bark at my balls and I’ll go crowbar-happy on him.


    cute baldur kitteh r obscenely cute…


    So frigging cute. I know have the unexplainable urge to go watch The Time Traveller’s Wife. Actually I should have seen that instead of Halloween 2, Rob Zombie you have disappointed me! I thought you couldn’t do no wrong! Fuck you Rob Zombie! Fuck you!

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