Torture is delicious. KFC buys chicken from the same suppliers that other restaurants do. If these morons in PETA care about chickens, go protest at the farms that raise them. PETA euthanizes animals so why should we listen to them.
When I lived in Portland there was a KFC right across the street from me. It was frequently protested (Portland is like that). I always kinda wanted to do this.
Torture is delicious. KFC buys chicken from the same suppliers that other restaurants do. If these morons in PETA care about chickens, go protest at the farms that raise them. PETA euthanizes animals so why should we listen to them.
Black guy in background senses the chicken, gravitates naturally
Let’s all have a cock-fight. Side bet anyone?
No cock-blocking.
Epic troll.
Classic. Pure classic.
The kid holding the sign looks really familiar.
When I lived in Portland there was a KFC right across the street from me. It was frequently protested (Portland is like that). I always kinda wanted to do this.