DVS, globe and DC
AKA Shit people will never see or care about.
It’s still cool, is it not?
it sucks
I wonder at what point you’ll realize that no matter what you post here, after the whole “check out my fly room!” flamefest, we’re going to make fun of it. Even if it’s cool.
Which… this is not. Sorry. Try again.
I’m sorry that for whatever reason you are unable to move forward or put things behind you.
Good luck with your life.
hey man, screw you, at least he’s posting shit
I knew this would be casemods, but I still think its pretty cool.
I think the cat likes you.
god. damn. hipsters.
ha lame
WOW, I now truly understand what it’s like to know that I’ll never get laid.
It’s a lot better once you face that fact, trust me.
Cool art, except these go under your feet and nobody sees them.
AKA Shit people will never see or care about.
It’s still cool, is it not?
it sucks
I wonder at what point you’ll realize that no matter what you post here, after the whole “check out my fly room!” flamefest, we’re going to make fun of it. Even if it’s cool.
Which… this is not. Sorry. Try again.
I’m sorry that for whatever reason you are unable to move forward or put things behind you.
Good luck with your life.
hey man, screw you, at least he’s posting shit
I knew this would be casemods, but I still think its pretty cool.
I think the cat likes you.
god. damn. hipsters.
WOW, I now truly understand what it’s like to know that I’ll never get laid.
It’s a lot better once you face that fact, trust me.
Cool art, except these go under your feet and nobody sees them.