I was kind of grasping at straws with that one anyways. Just praying it’s not nipple. Not a fan of that, kinda like spraypainting the side of a church or putting spinners on a lambo… Just not something you should do.
I mean let’s be honest, we would all bone her if we had the chance, but her face isn’t very pretty.
If I was slightly intoxicated and woke up to her (imagine her hair all messed up, makeup kinda faded and what not) I wouldn’t feel very good about myself.
Exactly. It’s a highly subjective measure that is even more difficult to make when you have only one picture of someone, and you can’t even properly see what their face looks like in it…
Might want to hold off on those snap judgments there sparky… lol
By your logic, one pic is enough. She’s not pretty unless she’s pretty all the time, right? 100% of the time. Good luck w/ that. I hope it works for you, since it reduces your chances of breeding to 0%.
I meant pretty without makeup, hair done, etc. But even hot guys like myself can look un-attractive in certain camera angles, so this girl is no exception.
I can see her boobs.
She also has an Invader Zim tattoo I’ll leave you to guess where.
on her ass?
on her tits? no wait, I can see those..ummm
on her ass?
For clarification sake I am talking about the one holding the beer.
And no not on the ass.
Above her vigana?
If that’s the case, I’d Invade her Zimm.
You’d be a Zimm Invader then.
Quim Invader more like, amirite?
Inside her vagina?
Nope, still has not been guessed.
left side of her face?
left arm?
On her side about level with the bottom of her boob, cant remember which is which the other side has a sparrow.
And we were supposed to guess that? lol…
Should round 2 be guessing what she has pierced?
Round three should be you posting nudies.
Her hymen?
I very much doubt that is intact to be pierced.
This is getting more exciting by the minute.
I was kind of grasping at straws with that one anyways. Just praying it’s not nipple. Not a fan of that, kinda like spraypainting the side of a church or putting spinners on a lambo… Just not something you should do.
Ah, shit, I’ve done all three of these things. What does that mean for my children’s future?
It is in fact not the nipple.
She looks like the chick ogre from shrek.
Greak now im gonna have an awkward erection watching that movie.
Ah..haha sorry.
Too bad she’s not very pretty.
I mean let’s be honest, we would all bone her if we had the chance, but her face isn’t very pretty.
If I was slightly intoxicated and woke up to her (imagine her hair all messed up, makeup kinda faded and what not) I wouldn’t feel very good about myself.
1. Face
2. Body
3. Personality
Define “Pretty”.
Well it depends I suppose.
Her face is clear, however I wouldn’t rate her face more than a 5.
Pretty is basically a face that looks good, ALL THE TIME, even when her hair is messed up, no makeup, etc.
This girl barely makes it, so if you woke up to her with her hair messed up what not, you would be disappointed and possibly ashamed.
Some girls are just pretty, and some aren’t. I don’t think this girl is.
I’m somewhat shallow in the face department.
But then again, it’s only ONE picture.
Exactly. It’s a highly subjective measure that is even more difficult to make when you have only one picture of someone, and you can’t even properly see what their face looks like in it…
Might want to hold off on those snap judgments there sparky… lol
Theres another picture on the way, showing the tattoo so youll have that to go on.
By your logic, one pic is enough. She’s not pretty unless she’s pretty all the time, right? 100% of the time. Good luck w/ that. I hope it works for you, since it reduces your chances of breeding to 0%.
Leave casemods be hes masturbating into a banana peel like as we speak, its hard being him.
I find that ky yours and mine work well.
I’ve never tried the banana peel or anything.
I meant pretty without makeup, hair done, etc. But even hot guys like myself can look un-attractive in certain camera angles, so this girl is no exception.
More pics FTW
OP is an idiot.
I can’t believe I read this entire fucking chain of useless info…
Indeed, bewbs.
Goddamn people who put a lime in their Corona. Ignorance and bad taste rolled into one giant fail.
Coronas are delicious with lime.
I hope that by “knew” you mean banged constantly and rigorously
If so, yes, she’s fucking hot (because she’s super fun if you know what I mean)
What do you mean?
I mean that if he meant “banged constantly” when he said “girl I knew” then yes, she’s hot because she likes to have sex.
I tend not to like stuck up girls who don’t have sex unless they are super nice, which most of the time they are not.
Best rando-pic necro yet 😀
The girl is ugly..the end.