Somehow it’s even gayer then that fish guy…
Green Arrows costume looks pretty cool tho
Quick, Green Arrow — shoot that burglar with a boxing glove arrow! Aquaman, telepathically summon some fish!
Man, so many DC heroes blow…
I’d give a kidney to watch that Green Arrow and that Aquaman getting it on.
Superman is out saving the world! mean while aquaman is at the justice league making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cause he can’t do shit!
Somehow it’s even gayer then that fish guy…
Green Arrows costume looks pretty cool tho
Quick, Green Arrow — shoot that burglar with a boxing glove arrow! Aquaman, telepathically summon some fish!
Man, so many DC heroes blow…
I’d give a kidney to watch that Green Arrow and that Aquaman getting it on.
Superman is out saving the world! mean while aquaman is at the justice league making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cause he can’t do shit!