This have changed

Did you notice that things are green?

Have you noticed anything broken?

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    Yea, the color, and the text and the everything looks broken. I personally liked the sleek white format better.


    A bit squished, but I like the idea. There’s a lot of room on the sides.

    In the forums, there is no quote ‘option’ anymore.


    My submissions are all gone! *sob*


    I had at least 10 pics scheduled to be posted. They disappeared.


    what in the sam hell is this? obama was enough change.


    I hate it.




    this thoroughly displeases me.


    ugh, wtf…


    has anyone seen my M[c]S?


    In the forum the reputation lettering is white on white until you highlight it. You can’t see who and when, but you can see what for. I like the profile in the corner and the colors. I agree with everyone though in that it’s too smusheded.


    It’s interesting!
    I think I like it.

    Professor Cramulus

    I’m not opposed to change. But I’m not fond of this change. It’s crowded, noisy, everything is a distraction from the image. 🙁


    Definitely just clicked in and wondered WTF happened to MCS

    Agree with the rest. It’s squishy


    Whoa I thought I typo’d the address for a sec. I liked the old look better. This layout is too narrow.


    Where’s the ratings?


    Too narrow
    Distracts from the pics
    Way too much text


    yeah its pretty bad, looks like every other pop site, clean site gone-ADHD site here, my[confined]space RIP


    Waaaay to narrow… looks coded for the shitty small resolutions no one uses anymore… and FUCK NETBOOKS.




    This is total poop. The previous white format was best.


    I fear change … go back to the way things were, please, before I have to threaten you. No one wants that …


    Ive got like 2 inches on either side of my screen doing nothing on this page and another 3 of some ads that I preferred just scrolling past before had this nice THIS IS AN AD sign over em and everything.


    I liked the up/down votes on individual comments.


    I like this formant on but do not think an improvement to mcs.


    Not a big fan. Doesn’t have the same feel as the other layout (though that may be the idea your going for).

    Feels cluttered/crowded. I like more negative space in a page design.


    Don’t like.
    Had to double check the URL.



    I like it.


    I pretty much agree with everyone else. The new look is too cluttered. It detracts from the pictures.

    I’ve already discovered that Internet-D is more readable if I disallow it picking its own colors. I’ll just have to do that here also.
    If M[c]S had had this look when I first came across it, I doubt I’d have bookmarked it.


    I don’t like the new look


    Is there a way to use the old one?
    Seriously, this one is horrible.


    If it ain’t broke, fix it until it is?

    Other design was sleeeeker…


    If it ain’t broke, fix it until it is?
    Other design was sleeeeker…
    If you can change it, you can change it back, right?


    Ack. Doubling. Sorry.


    No search function? FAIL

    Or am I just blind?


    i don’t really like the change

    Howie Feltersnatch

    Holy bad graphic design, Batman! This is awful! It’s like there’s a party in my eyes, and everybody’s got long stabby knives.

    Bad design! Bad! Bad!!


    Gah! I’m going to go sob quietly in the corner now, and lament the slow destruction of the MCS I fell in love with. The one where there were interesting discussions and pissing contests in the picture comments, the one where I didn’t feel claustrophobic every time my home page loaded. (MCS is my homepage, and will remain it until I can find a new site that doesn’t shrivel my testicles every time I see it.)
    The one that didn’t look like something corporate America used as toilet paper. This color layout could have been pilfered from the home page of a goddamn struggling small business.
    It’s fugly, and I hate it.

    The other design wasn’t sleeker, it was just easier to use and look at. And didn’t make half the people who have been posting here for more than a month want to drive drunk through a busy playground with a snow plow.

    Someone should do that. And post the pictures here. Maybe the redeeming light from those will save this website from the electronic doom that awaits it. Regardless…

    I’ve just been ranting. If we could return to that original layout from, say, a year ago, but also use those new reply functions and up/down voting systems, MCS would again be solid gold. That, and maybe make the ads scoot over a little bit. I always felt like there wasn’t enough room to breathe with those damn things right next to you, staring you down. maybe just a couple millimeters over on each side. But I’m just fucking nitpicking now. Get rid of these ass ramming design changes and eye fucking color schemes first.
    Unless you want this site to be filled with hipster pseudo liberals, instead of the usual members of the “who gives a fuck, we’ll still make our terrible black jokes” party.


    Not really apropos, but I liked the 1 pic per hour posting schedule better. There are so many pics posted now that they’re off the main page before many people get to comment. Now we’ve got pic after pic w/ no comments. It’s difficult to get our awesome comment counts…barring this thread, of course.


    Where did the search function go to?!?!?!?! How are we supposed to check for and flame posters for REPOSTS NAO?!?! and post ratings are gone as well as comment ratings


    This is clearly the work of a sober tiki, someone get him drunk quick!

    Malta Soron

    This looks fugterrible. It literally hurts my eyes.

    Malta Soron

    Also, it seems like the site is significantly slower nowadays.


    Sorry, but no. This space is too confined, and not in the good way. I know how valued my opinion is around here, so I figure this problem should be fixed soon guys!


    I am sad Tiki. I do not like new look. Change was not needed. MCS was excellent with the white and plain look of past days. Happily alter this course please. And thank you for this very nice site of course. But change it back please.


    i like it


    Can’t say I’m a fan of the new look. Its noisy, busy and I don’t like the shades of green you’re using.

    Karatesaurus Rex

    Wha happen? It’s like waking up Sunday morning and realizing those were beer goggles, you’re gonna need to burn those sheets, and somehow strike her so mentally and emotionally crippled that she doesn’t say anything about this either, like shitting in her purse right as she wakes up….


    Sorry, but I’ve got to add my voice to the chorus of those who don’t like it. It’s too busy and cluttered and it’s slower, too.

    PLease bring back the nice simple white layout of before!


    Spam Spam Spam Everywhere

    Happy, Sad Sign


    What is this I don’t even


    Lots of spam comments on main site.

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