Damn Cool Pics
Saving this to show people who claim that humans couldn’t possibly produce complex crop circles.
This is insanely cool.
If you go to the site, it’s got pics of how it looks close-up. It’s pretty cool.
I demand Nobita to show up!
Man, those aliens are getting good at this…
@fracked again: You may want this http://lug.oregonstate.edu/events/firefox/crop-circle
Saving this to show people who claim that humans couldn’t possibly produce complex crop circles.
This is insanely cool.
If you go to the site, it’s got pics of how it looks close-up. It’s pretty cool.
I demand Nobita to show up!
Man, those aliens are getting good at this…
@fracked again: You may want this http://lug.oregonstate.edu/events/firefox/crop-circle