I really enjoy this game, I just hope it’s more then a roster update. From the demo, the game play is pretty nice and the AI will change defense so you can’t just option right and left anymore and score at ease. I do not think this game justifies a midnight release. Best Buy in Houston near Galleria.
I honestly cannot describe how much I don’t care about this franchise. is there negative caring? would that be considered hate?
EA: The cancer that is killing the gaming industry.
No game justifies a midnight release. They are silly.
I saw this advert from Loop 610 and it looked effing huge! First I’ve ever seen like this on the front of Best Buy.
Uh, I think I’ll pass on the game b/c the only football I like is tackling a girl and having my penis slip inside of her.
The best Buy in Webster is doing it too. So is the Best Buy in New Orleans. This game does not warrent a midnight release. SC2 and D3…I’d probably drop vacation just to play those until my eyes bleed…
The only game I’ve done for a midnight release was GTA 4. I called in sick to work the next day.