The “joke” is all black people look alike. I think at the time of his death, he totally could have passed as asian.
It’s sad he’s dead, I loved him on that “Fresh Prince” show he did… Poor Cosby kids.
he also nailed his roles in Malcolm X and Ray. Two great movies, one epic actor
HAHAH My middle son actually told me Michael Jordan at first. Apparently the ticker abbreviated his name to MJ.
@... dtepes:
Tigger changed his name?
poor urkel, no more blind piano man…
so now Biden is gonna run the country?
^———-^ Wins Epic thread…for now. 😉
Hmmm, that ended up looking wrong. Oh well.
Damn. Just when the Cleveland Cavalier’s get a great pick, he has to go die and ruin everything.
What’s with all this nonsense….
I didn’t even sub this ffs but still…
another black guy dead
That’s what he gets for stealing my bicycle
lmao you racist fockers! i swear i dont get it. black people look alike check, um … lol tiger woods = michael jordan… ok check. tiger woods=michael jordan=michael jackson… ok now i get it but i had to really work for that one.
The “joke” is all black people look alike.
I think at the time of his death, he totally could have passed as asian.
It’s sad he’s dead, I loved him on that “Fresh Prince” show he did… Poor Cosby kids.
he also nailed his roles in Malcolm X and Ray. Two great movies, one epic actor
My middle son actually told me Michael Jordan at first. Apparently the ticker abbreviated his name to MJ.
@... dtepes:
Tigger changed his name?
poor urkel, no more blind piano man…
so now Biden is gonna run the country?
Wins Epic thread…for now. 😉
Hmmm, that ended up looking wrong. Oh well.
Damn. Just when the Cleveland Cavalier’s get a great pick, he has to go die and ruin everything.
What’s with all this nonsense….
I didn’t even sub this ffs but still…
another black guy dead
That’s what he gets for stealing my bicycle
lmao you racist fockers! i swear i dont get it. black people look alike check, um … lol tiger woods = michael jordan… ok check. tiger woods=michael jordan=michael jackson… ok now i get it but i had to really work for that one.