This is stupid. If you want to attack a person, just start hitting them on the head. Much more effective than trying to get at small spots. Plus the breasts aren’t necessarily that sensitive. (Same goes for the balls, by the way; not every man is disabled by a kick in the groin.)
Heh, wouldn’t be the first time I’d have a hard object inserted forcefully into my groin.
But seriously, why bother with anything more than a bitch slap?
this is sooooo getting posted in the BOYS ONLY THREAD
LOL @... His smile and chubbie while “Smash, Twist, and Pull”ing her breasts…
Also, don’t forget to say, “Honk!” as you pull her breasts.
This is like an advanced version of the KHITBASH.
Foreplay – You’re Doing It Wrong.
Only because he kicks like a little girl.
ahhh the classic cunt punt and titty twist combo
Now to find a girl.
attacking women: how to make people label you as either sexually confused, or a redneck
how to disable a woman? besides using math?
was she trying to leave the kitchen?
This is stupid. If you want to attack a person, just start hitting them on the head. Much more effective than trying to get at small spots. Plus the breasts aren’t necessarily that sensitive. (Same goes for the balls, by the way; not every man is disabled by a kick in the groin.)
I’ll roshambo you. Just to test your theory.
Heh, wouldn’t be the first time I’d have a hard object inserted forcefully into my groin.
But seriously, why bother with anything more than a bitch slap?
what if her tits is too small. you can grab nothing
there’s a movie about this: “Witches to the North”
Warning to women: avoid guys wearing just a green banana hammock.