The other OTHER He-Man knock-off. Eyes of the Hawk! Ears of the Wolf!
Added on June 21st, 2009 by thelastmadrox | Report Post
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Racist, Television
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Racist, Television
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lol wut?
Is that…is that a horse? With Metal Arms?
…and a cannon?
Why is he not star of the show?
His name was Thirty-Thirty. He was my favorite thing about this show.
Not as bad as Tigarsharks, the Thundercats rip-off with cat/sharks.
TigerSharks? Missed out on that. I was thinking SilverHawks for a thundercats rip-off.
Forgot the strenth of a Bear and speed of a Puma! lol
I thought this show was lame when I was a little kid. How lame must it seem now?
with 2 r’s, for a double dose of retarded
i remember this show vividly it came on before C.O.P.S
This show was awesome, anyone who challenges that opinion deserves a slap!
and just to prove I’m not all hot air:
has the potential for win but theyll only fuck up
Shit yeah.
I saw a hipster wearing a BraveStar shirt. This is why that fashion style is shit.
dudes. his spaceship was a totem pole.
This just refreshes the concept of that even in technologically advanced places, cowboys are still fucking gay.
And Galaxy Rangers looked gay?
I’ll admit I used to watch this after school back in the day. but the fact that I had totally forgotten about it’s existence up until now shows something of it’s quality.
I’m pretty sure episodes of this are up on
I remember loving this show.
Almost as good as your hip hop, dr. Nowhere.
As soon as I saw this I thought of you… And LO!
Haha. Jerk.
Bravestarr is one of the classic cartoons from the 80s.
I have all episodes on dvd and bought them on an auction site. Its a must have if you are an 80s fan