Israel Vs West Bank Vs Gaza Strip Vs Golan Geights

Israel Vs West Bank Vs Gaza Strip Vs Golan Geights

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    Oh for the love of God, NOT THE GOLAN GEIGHTS!!!



    “The ______ are animals!”

    “My god is gonna kick your god’s ass!”

    “Nuke ’em all!”

    “You are anti-Semitic because you don’t support ______!”

    “No you are anti-Semitic because you do support ______!”


    You forgot

    ISRAEL NEEDS TO BE __________.


    That’s covered under “Nuke ’em all!”

    If you put the actual names there, like “Israel”, you’re going to get accused of wanting to kill Palestinian babies, and vice versa. Even if it’s just an example.

    Trust me, I have figured it all out.

    Also, go to the “Marijuana Before and After” post, and read what Moe wrote about the government.



    No it isn’t.


    So you knock over the west bank, get shot by police, do you go to the Golan Geights? HA! Tiki- tipsy tuesdays!






    Golan Geights never gets any love. Never heard of that place until now.


    Neither do West Wank and Gaza Grip.


    Well it’s not like either one deserves any.


    If you lose compassion for entire nations because of a fraction of them that is criminal, then you don’t deserve any either.


    I’ll give them compassion when they find compassion within themselves and each other. It’s a cluster fuck of cluster fucks over there.


    See the problem is that you don’t know what you’re talking about. The people don’t want war, it’s the leaders/ organisations on both sides that want war, for different reasons.

    Yet you judge all the people only by a fraction. If you go back to any post on here about the conflict in Israel, you will find that your comments are mostly the same. “Who cares, let them kill each other!”
    That’s basically what you said, every time.

    I’ll say it once more, if you can’t find compassion for innocent people because their self proclaimed leaders are criminals, you don’t deserve any either. How would you feel if someone who has never talked to you, would judge you based on Bush even if you didn’t vote for him?

    I’m disappointed in you.


    I was under the idea that the Palestinian people voted into power the Hamas government when they KNEW it was virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. I’m not expressly saying innocent people deserve to die, far from it in fact, but when you vote into power what is pretty much just a well organized terrorist group you take a certain amount of danger with it, although that’s a real bitch for the people who don’t support Hamas who live in Palestine.


    It’s a cycle of violence that has been going on for centuries around that area…the holy land. Jews, Muslims and Christians. Same story.

    This goes far beyond their leaders. Especially since the leaders are religion based, as are the people. Besides the people elected their leaders and belong to their own violent/xenophobic organizations. Plus these people run to these groups based on the poor conditions they live in from this endless bloodshed.

    Furthermore I’ve never said it’s okay that they continue to kill one another. Simply that they don’t deserve compassion because they can’t find any toward each other or an answer to solving the endless bloodshed. I’m all for compassion, but there comes a point when this cycle beats you down and you get frustrated and care about it less.

    As for “How would you feel if someone who has never talked to you, would judge you based on Bush even if you didn’t vote for him?” I’m an American, this is the internet,this happened everyday for 8 years and will continue too happen. People judge each other based on a fraction everyday. Everyone! Heck, I travel outside the country and they judge me simply because I am American.


    Once again Sticky you’re talking out of your ass.

    Over %60 of the people in those areas want peace no matter if they get to keep their land or not.
    Those people who voted for Hamas, were forced into voting for them because there was no alternative. Hamas is responsible for al the infrastructure, schools and medical/ food supplies, these people had no other choice.

    How about reading up on things before you make false claims like that.

    Oh and newsflash, Arabs ARE Semites. Being against Israel is not being anti-Semitic either, we already talked about this but thanks for proving that you didn’t listen.

    Puulaahi, yeah you too are obviously not interested in their problem so don’t pretend like you know anything about it.

    Let me repeat, these people on both sides, were forced into accepting their self proclaimed leaders, because there was no alternative.

    I have family there, and I know about these things first hand. There was no democratic vote count, or fair methods, their self proclaimed leaders are just that, self proclaimed leaders.

    Without Hamas they would have even less food, I’m sure you have heard of how they had to starve and then flee to Egypt.

    So you’re basically saying, because some people judge you based on Bush, you’re allowed to do that to other people? You’re so shallow and cheap.

    But why am I surprised, someone who has no respect for himself is not going to treat anyone else with respect.

    You said clearly, often enough, let them blow each other up. Go to hell Puulaahi, I don’t care about you any more.


    dieA, of course I care about their problems. Their cycle of violence is like a giant image of everything that is flawed in humanity. Therefore of course it needs to be fixed. Families killing each others families endlessly. It’s fucking stupid.

    People judge other people all the time and jump to crazy ass conclusions. I dunno, like how you are doing to me right now.

    And I treat everyone with respect. Hell, people walk all over me all the time because I am too friendly.

    You keep rambling on about me saying it’s okay that they blow each other up. I said that they do it, but I never said that it’s okay. I’m a hippy remember. Goddamn for someone studying to be a lawyer sometimes you are beyond simple minded.

    Obviously you don’t care about me anymore. People communicate with one another when they care about one another and enjoy each others company. You are a cold fish. Have a nice day.


    Animals all of of them.. I say we drop all support and let them wipe each other out.


    Hmm, the West Bank isn’t in the West, or on a real body of water to be called a bank. I must be missing something.

    nobody knows: Your hail hitler remark is out of bounds, there’s nothing even remotely amusing about a comment about a guy who was responsible for the murder of over six million people. And for the record, it’s Heil Hitler, you ignorant anti-Semite.



    Little Scotty got trolled.

    Either you acknowledge that he made a crude joke or you accuse him of being an anti-Semite, it can’t be both at the same time. And change your diapers while you’re at it.


    I think Hitler is a pretty cool guy. eh genocides people and doesn’t afraid of anything.


    Also, it was six million Jews, and another assorted six million people, so ~12 million or so. He also happened to start World War II, so taking that into account, he killed upwards of 70 million people.


    You said something different on the last Hitler picture.


    I did? *searches MCS archives*


    I don’t see it. Link pls?


    It’s like, the first picture that comes up when you search for Hitler.


    I know. I looked through there and didn’t see anything explicitly contradictory to what I’ve said here… :\


    Yah that’s because you don’t want to see your error.

    Given that Stalin killed twice the number of people Hitler did.

    and here you said,

    he [Hitler] killed upwards of 70 million people.

    Contradiction right there. And saying that Hitler is directly responsible for all those deaths combined is like saying that his mother is responsible for all those deaths + Hitler’s death. Complete nonsense.


    …Good Lord you’re thorough.




    Yep, you’re missing something. The River Jordan. ‘Cause that’s what the West Bank is the west bank of.


    Shit scotty is going to sue me, shit.
    I need a good lawyer.
    Any one know any jews?


    Actually, I’m a Jewish lawyer to be. Which makes this really ironic and amusing. I got your back nobody knows.

    They see you trollin’, they hatin’.


    Good enough.


    I read this as Israel vs. West Bank vs. Godzilla vs. Godzilla. I need sleep.




    “The fags are animals!”

    “My god is gonna kick your god’s ass!”

    “Nuke ‘em all!”

    “You are anti-Semitic because you don’t support the big whopper!”

    “No you are anti-Semitic because you do support taco bell!”


    Split it up into separate nations already! Enough is enough.

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