Big Boy – Fuck You

Big Boy - Fuck You

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    No, Vault-Tec. Fuck YOU.


    Epic game.
    Highly appropriate macro too…


    Title has the wrong boy… that is Vault Boy, not Big Boy. I just pre-ordered Game of the Year Edition. So excited. 😀


    Best game I’ve played in a great while.


    It’s Pip-Boy newbs


    Pip-Boy is the wrist computer. This is Vault Boy. n00b.




    Failout 3: oblivion with guns


    You say that like it’s a bad thing! Let’s see how The new Fallout by the original company turns out


    It -is- a bad thing, Oblivion was retarded. Fallout 3 is lame. As a shooter it was awful and as an RPG it was weak and shallow. The only thing it had going for it was atmosphere, which wore off into banality and repetition after an hour.

    It was just a Fallout-themed conversion mod for Oblivion, and it sucked.


    reference to the pictures text.
    fuck you seriously. you are such an elitist asshole. i doubt you can make an actual reason for the original game to be bad.


    Elitist? For not liking a lousy game? If attacking a -game- makes me an elitist asshole, what does attacking -me-, make you? Is it your game? Did you help make it? Do have shares in Bethesda or something? It’s a game kid, don’t take it personally.

    And what are you referring to when you say original game? Fallout 1? It was great for it’s time. I loved it. It had it’s share of flaws sure, but none that really diminished the overall quality of the game. The only one I can even think of, was the lack of a “take all” button when looting.

    Where as Fallout 3 has too many flaws and irritants to count. I’ve since gone back and played through Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics, and all of them were more enjoyable than 3. Just on the grounds of an RPG, Fallout 3 had way less going on than Fallout 1, and doesn’t even compare to Fallout 2.

    It’s a classic example of sacrificing depth and gameplay for graphics.

    Now I’ll gladly discuss and debate it’s flaws and merits with anyone, as I would with any game. Just check the asinine nerd rage at the door.


    okay then. i took it as you hated 1-3
    because you stated how fallout as a shooter (3) is bad and as an rpg (then i thought you were talking about 1&2). so my bad. i havent played 3. i intend to tho based on my other fallout game experiences.


    hahaha fuckin’ awesome!!!!!


    hahaha great game

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