One of the LA Convention Center buildings with an advert for the PS3 welcoming gamers to E3 2009!!
I love this time of year…I just set my dvr to record what seems to be like 10 hours of continuous coverage on G4.
I think Sony is going to pre-vail this year, especially with the PSP Go! everyone else will just bring recycled ideas to the table…
meh. the psp sucks dick. give me some IPTV for the xbawks, or some PS3 slim for $200 and I’m there. Portable gaming just ain’t my thing ya’ll
Yeah, the PSP sucks. I had one for a few months, then I traded it in for a DS Lite. The PSP is just half baked. It does many different things, but all of them in a half-assed manner.
And the PS3? Is that thing still on the market? When I go to the store, there’s like a tiny rack of games for it. The merits of the hardware are irrelevant if there’s no games to play on it. I was planning to get one, once they games started coming out (like the successful 360 & Wii), but it’s been almost 3 years and still nothing.
PS3 + PSP = Fail
the PS3 has a couple games that I’m interested in, maybe 2 or 3…but from what I understand, it’s the ONLY bluray player that’s guaranteed to be updated for the next 10 years…
If I’m not playing on my PC, then I’m usually on my PS3 (mostly Rock Band 2). I just upgraded my original 60 gig hard drive to a 500 gig one. I got tired of deleting movies and songs and stuff. I also use it as a media center to watch movies from my PC in my bedroom. I don’t have a PSP and don’t plan on getting one unless I find one for $75 like my dad did.
My 360 just sits under my PC desk gathering dust although I sometimes drag it out to watch the handful of HD-DVDs that I bought for 10 bucks or Dead Rising. The fact that it doesn’t have an HDMI port to hook it up to my monitor, built-in wireless, and it has a stone henge boulder for a power supply keeps me from keeping it connected. Oh and it scratched the fuck out of my GH2 disc, so I don’t trust it anymore.
Sounds like you have a first generation 360. Mine had HDMI, has wireless and has 60 gigs of storage.
And I play rock band on it all the time. I love the shit out of that game 🙂
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it is, which means if I actually use it to game with it’ll likely end up with a RROD. I’ve already bought 3 original Xboxes due to failing graphic chips or drive bays, I’m not going to go out and buy multiple 360’s after that. =\ My 360 couldn’t even remember network settings after it was turned off, so I had to run the network test each time I turned it on to get online.
I used to have high hopes of MS, it’s just that I apparently have bad luck with them. So I just invest in the system that hasn’t failed me yet. My modded PS1 and PS2 still work perfectly, but I think I have maybe 1 working Xbox (packed away) and my flakey 360.
The ps3 rack at my local walmart is pretty big, it is the same size as the xbox rack. You probably have a shitty store.
thelotuseater725: Wishful thinking. EVERY store in my area (including 7 EB Games, 3 Future Shops, 4 Wal-Marts, and several HMVs) have a tiny rack of PS3 games. The only way they could make the PS3 rack the same size as Wii or 360 would be to have many many duplicates. Like one entire shelf for each game. You must be shrooming!
In fact, the rack of PS2 games is usually the same size as the PS3. The PS2 was awesome, best console last generation. Buy Sony got arrogant and dropped the ball. Now their only customers are hard core fanboys. Even their exclusives are now being ported to Xbox 360, like Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry.
In before Playstation Fanboyism…oh, wait, it’s in the image post. Too late.
Yet another thing I miss from Cali since I moved. I used to be able to go to these things until they shut it down. Then the year I move, they freakin’ bring it back again. So lets see, I miss In-N-Out, Fry’s Electronics and E3. Hell I even miss the highways because at least there was more than 1 to get to someplace.
I can only think of a handful of games on PS3 that I really want to play, but that list is growing slowly. I’ll probably get one this year.
I waited till this year to get my 360 as well, and I’m glad I waited. Updated hardware FTW. I got the limited edition RE5 360, which is stupid, because its just red. There’s nothing special about that. Not even a fucking graphic or the words “Resident Evil” or anything. But it works great, has quite a few games I enjoy or intend to enjoy and PlayOn gives me all the video content I could ever want.
As for the PSP Go!. There are still rumors that Microsoft is releasing a portable gaming device this year. If it is announced at E3, say, right before or right after the Go! is announced, it would be mightily awesome. That said, I’m planning on getting a Go!, I like the look of it, I just don’t understand if there is no UMD slot at all. That’s unfair to people that have a shit load of them laying around.
“PSP Go!”
“bring recycled ideas to the table…”
“PSP Go!”
“bring recycled ideas to the table…”
“PSP Go!”
“bring recycled ideas to the table…”
You best be trollin’.
I was waiting for that. I had to think of one last zinger to get in for MSFT and Nintendo. I could sit here and argue how the PSP Go! may not be so much a recycled idea, as it is going to transform the way you buy and manage and rent games digitally and its not adding stupid little camera’s like the DSi.
Hell, even the PS3 slim could qualify as a recycled idea, but its going above and beyond the several Xbox iterations (elite, jasper model, etc.) However, the fact that Sony has managed to streamline the form factor already, keeping Blu Ray, and probably reducing the price deserves praise.
Recycled ideas by Sony? maybe. Necessary steps to dominate the market (both handheld and console) just like they did with the PS2? definitely!
Here’s to no working and surfing blogs all day!
fuck! and to add, my initial thought behind that statement is that thus far, the only buzz is that MSFT has prepped a motion controlled controller (which will be horrific) and Nintendo is just going to show off more iterations of games already made – Wii Fitness Plus (and they’ll probably show Wii Sports Resort again as well)
Maybe Sony let put all their cards on the table too early, but hell, it sure has me excited.
Well if Sony can rip off the motion controller idea from Nintendo, why not Microsoft? In fact, except for the BluRay player, is there anything about the PS3 that hasn’t already been done by their competitors?
Since Microsoft finally decided to copy Nintendo (and to a lesser extent Sony with their half-assed attempt at motion controllers), maybe Sony and Nintendo should start copying Microsoft and produce unreliable machines that will go dead in a few months.
Nintendo: We present to you our new Wii model! Instead of just malfunctioning, it will also short-circuit your TV, and the Wiimote will explode in your hands!
Sony: Oh yeah? Well, our new PS3 model is better! First, it will screw your mother, kill your dog and/or cat, then it will become a beacon that will allow us to destroy your home with a guided missile!