Unless I’m mistaken, when the old 1701 constitution class was refit, it became the “Enterprise” class. That, or when 1701a was built, it became Enterprise class.
Another thing wrong with the pic: the NX-01 was smaller than the Constitution class, yet its position behind the 1701-D it look like it’s bigger than everything that came between it & the Galaxy class.
Yeah the NX-01 (225m Go wiki!)was a bit smaller than A (305m) But the D (642m) was over double the size of A. Also, why is A shooting photon torpedos from it’s phaser banks? 😛
Though if you really wanna see an epic space battle similar to this pic. torrent Star Wreck http://www.starwreck.com/ and watch it. It pretty much boils down to a big ass war between the star trek universe technology and babylon 5 technology at the end. Which is pure win.
Tiki, it’s not affiliated with star trek in any way. All CGI was done by this guy and his friends. That’s the reason it took them 7 years to make it. there is a LOT of rendering in this. The live action stuff didn’t take long to shoot.
I just watched the new ‘imperial edition’ and it’s not as good IMHO. All the star trek models have been replaced with much cheesier looking ships. Wonder if paramount threatened to sue them or something. I’m not familiar enough with babylon 5 to tell if those models have been replaced or not.
Why not the Sovereign instead of the Akira? That way we have all Enterprises 1701 through 1701 – E
NX-01, not Akira –though I agree it should have been the Sovereign. Only thing that sucks about this pic.
on closer inspection you are correct
its’ the three ships that had their own tv series. the sovereign class was from the movies.
I miss seeing the Galaxy class ship 🙁
Unless I’m mistaken, when the old 1701 constitution class was refit, it became the “Enterprise” class. That, or when 1701a was built, it became Enterprise class.
No it just became the Constitution Refit is all
If only Star Trek were as interesting as this picture, I’d be a fan.
Another thing wrong with the pic: the NX-01 was smaller than the Constitution class, yet its position behind the 1701-D it look like it’s bigger than everything that came between it & the Galaxy class.
But I quibble.
Yeah the NX-01 (225m Go wiki!)was a bit smaller than A (305m) But the D (642m) was over double the size of A. Also, why is A shooting photon torpedos from it’s phaser banks? 😛
that’s not a torpedo, that’s a lense flare
tadent, even, of which I have none, Especially in typing.
Though if you really wanna see an epic space battle similar to this pic. torrent Star Wreck http://www.starwreck.com/ and watch it. It pretty much boils down to a big ass war between the star trek universe technology and babylon 5 technology at the end. Which is pure win.
Already saw it, it’s a great independent film. I also watched the previous episodes, which are animated.
what in the fuck is that? it’s as if the special effect people from star trek made their own fan movie, but couldn’t afford actors.
Yeah, Star Wreck !s hilarious! Anyone who hasn’t )een it should be dragged out in$o the street and shot! 🙂
An, Tiki, the bad acting is part o$ the humor.
Tiki, it’s not affiliated with star trek in any way. All CGI was done by this guy and his friends. That’s the reason it took them 7 years to make it. there is a LOT of rendering in this. The live action stuff didn’t take long to shoot.
I just watched the new ‘imperial edition’ and it’s not as good IMHO. All the star trek models have been replaced with much cheesier looking ships. Wonder if paramount threatened to sue them or something. I’m not familiar enough with babylon 5 to tell if those models have been replaced or not.
Yah, I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
The New Star Trek movie looks like this
only gayer. I was so pissed I wanted my 2 dollars back.