lol well that doesnt make them give him 15 years tho! oh my gad you guise that guy is SOOOOOO rich we better give the next fucker that walks in here some SRS time
No, Pants, it doesn’t. The standard laws make them give him 15 years. The AIG guys being rich made them give those guys a soft sentence. This country is and always has been an aristocracy no matter what your civics teacher tells you.
THAT IF FUCKED UP the guy Turned himself in for stealing 100$ , The AIG guy helped FUCK UP the U.S.A. , Global Economy. Although he didnt go directly into the bank his Bad deeds may have killed several hundred people if not thousands, destroyed family’s and turned the world into a much worse place for him being alive! i wish more people were like the Homeless man. HONEST.
inb4 cuz hes black
Black AND homeless… 2 strikes right there before he even stepped into the mothafuka.
it’s not cuz he’s black, but because the AIG guy is rich
lol well that doesnt make them give him 15 years tho! oh my gad you guise that guy is SOOOOOO rich we better give the next fucker that walks in here some SRS time
i guess you’re right. it’s because he’s a niÂgÂgÂer
No, Pants, it doesn’t. The standard laws make them give him 15 years. The AIG guys being rich made them give those guys a soft sentence. This country is and always has been an aristocracy no matter what your civics teacher tells you.
Whoa Nate, the bro’s not homeless for 15. The other will burn in hell when his time is up.
Atleast in jail he has a bed and three square meals.
Worth mentioning that the homeless guy had quite an impressive record:
Wow! Tiki needs more vodka! Nice changes Tiki!
He got 15 years for armed robbery of a bank. How much he stole isn’t the issue.
THAT IF FUCKED UP the guy Turned himself in for stealing 100$ , The AIG guy helped FUCK UP the U.S.A. , Global Economy. Although he didnt go directly into the bank his Bad deeds may have killed several hundred people if not thousands, destroyed family’s and turned the world into a much worse place for him being alive! i wish more people were like the Homeless man. HONEST.
There are honnest people.
They just don’t get selected to manage banks & insurrance companies.
on the upside, he’s now no longer homeless and doesn’t go hungry… for the next 15 years.
They rewarded a homeless man with 15ys of shelter and food?