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    *fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap*

    Luke Magnifico

    So I was on my sister’s mac yesterday. She wanted me to install MSN for her.

    I couldn’t do it. It took me 40 minutes.

    Basically, I download the thing, yeah? And then I was like, ok, where is the icon to install. There was none. Spent about 10 minutes looking for that. Found it buried somewhere inside the machine. LCicked it.

    I get this picture, going [MSN SYMBOL] -> [APPLICATIONS FOLDER]

    So I was like, 0_0

    Do I drag the icon into applications? Tried it. didn’t work.

    Is the real icon already in applications? Looked for it. Not there.

    Is it in the process of going into applications? Nope.

    Turned out, I just had to click on the picture.

    I had completely underestimated how stupid Apple thought I was.


    SEE! Apple is NOT easier!


    I.. eh.. *speechlessly throws hands up in air* eff it!

    Seriously?!? MSN on Mac?!? Or are you bullshitting us.


    LukeV1-5: ROFL


    Dude, she may have to have it to communicate with work or something.

    Should’ve installed Pidgin or whatever there is like Pidgin for Macs


    RSIxidor: Well that makes more sense! Thanks!

    Luke Magnifico

    RSIxidor: Nah, she just has no need for any other chat program. All her friends are on MSN, and so are all the tutors she needs to contact at any time.

    Luke Magnifico

    Liam4Now: Also, why are you so outraged?

    That it’s a microsoft program, and it’s on a mac?


    windows logo should be the blue screen of death


    Pretty light ribbon things are pretty.

    Windows can lick my balls (if I had some).


    Everyone is crazy, I’m an avid Mac hater of course, but there is a huge conspiracy b/t Mac and MSFT. I mean you can already use MSFT stuff on Macs, like office and other apps. Think Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are enemies? they are best friends since their school days. But Billy is in his corner saying, I don’t want that shit on my PCs and that is why you never see any Mac stuff cross-bread to run on a PC. but any PC you want for a Mac, or dual boot to windows b/c Mac OS sucks, then have at it!


    Windows 7 betas is apparently amazing right now. I expect its retail release will somehow be a big pile of shit.

    Luke Magnifico

    RSIxidor: I have also heard good things.


    LukeV1-5: I guess Windows has you brainwashed into believing every action on your computer MUST be complicated. 😛

    Apple doesn’t think you’re stupid, they just don’t understand why they should make it more complicated than necessary.

    Luke Magnifico

    NoOneInParticular: Uncomplicated to the point where thye have to use pictographs?

    In Windows, they would have just said “Click here to install MSN Messenger.

    If you feel this is too complicated for you,

    And that image had better work, or else NoOneInParticular may not understand.

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