@...nyokki: Now, I’m not saying it looks yummy, but what’s non palatable about spaghetti and hot dogs? Well, of course, assuming you don’t hate either or both on their own.
@...Tyger42: Well, I’m not a huge fan of hot dogs, except the Sabrett dirty water dogs in NYC. Pasta, well yea, I love pasta. The combo as shown just looks terrible and as deuce pointed out, the tactile experience would be interesting and not in a good way (for me).
@...Billy Manic: First, you boil the noodles with some olive oil in the water while you grill the hot dogs. Then, you place the hot dog in a vice clamp under a drill press. You use the drill press to make the holes, then you cut up the hot dot. Finally, insert the cooked noodles into the holes in the hot dog slices.
Some have said to insert the uncooked noodles into hot dog slices, but the method I have outlined above is the only sure way to ensure that both the hot dog pieces and the noodles are cooked properly.
@...goatsgomoo: Oh, and I forgot one more thing: It is necessary to ensure that the locations of the holes on one slice of hot dog exactly correspond to the locations of the holes on all other slices of hot dog. This is why you drill the holes before slicing the hot dog.
@...goatsgomoo: I’m impressed. Do you have your drillpress rigged specifically for this purpose? I mean, can you turn out pretty good production? How many noodle-dogs/hour? Also, what ensures that the hotdog stays true throughout the entire pass? I’d think a hotdog was too bendy to keep stay straight.
@...monkeybird02: Well, personally, I put half-tubes on either side of the vice to completely surround the hot dog. The size of the bit depends on which pasta (I sometimes use angel hair, occasionally I’ll use penne). I use the same bits I use for drilling into iron, so I can get more iron in my diet, because my doctor said I suffered from iron deficiency.
i made this.
i made this with cheese sauce.
the texture is divine, the way the spaghetti is more raw in the middle of the hot dogs
sauce would just mess up the pictures i guess. like a drowned flying spaghetti monster or something… if i make it, i’ll make it with sauce… but i had an idea, how about doing this to other things than sausage?? vegetables?
Man, you blew my mind.
That would be quite an interesting tactile experience…
Toaster showed this to me.
My six-year-old son will love this.
…I am strangely intrigued.
How does it=profit?
Will there be faragie there?
will have to try. “The natedog special” I think kids may just put you up there with the Easter bunny
Haha. I’m in awe.
@...Puulaahi: Agreed. I see nothing even remotely palatable here.
No, but admit it, you’re curious.
@...nyokki: Now, I’m not saying it looks yummy, but what’s non palatable about spaghetti and hot dogs? Well, of course, assuming you don’t hate either or both on their own.
Interesting… but it just screams trailer park. Just my 2 cents.
Mmmm hot dogs and noodles. Nom. Hot dogs go good with mac n cheese too.
I love hotdogs and noodles, but obviously you need to put some kind of cheese sauce on them after they’re cooked, right?
I think step 3 is “cook”. Or not, whatever.
is this birth of this! http://onwhoseauthority.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/flying-spaghetti-monster.jpg
@...Sticky: I admit nothing.
@...Tyger42: Well, I’m not a huge fan of hot dogs, except the Sabrett dirty water dogs in NYC. Pasta, well yea, I love pasta. The combo as shown just looks terrible and as deuce pointed out, the tactile experience would be interesting and not in a good way (for me).
I’m done.
@...Billy Manic:
it’s done when the noodles are uncooked, and the hotdogs are cut up.
love the underpants gnomes reference!
oyah… http://poorbuthappy.com/ease/archives/2009/02/28/4482/phase-1-collect-underpants-phase-3-profit
@...Billy Manic: First, you boil the noodles with some olive oil in the water while you grill the hot dogs. Then, you place the hot dog in a vice clamp under a drill press. You use the drill press to make the holes, then you cut up the hot dot. Finally, insert the cooked noodles into the holes in the hot dog slices.
Some have said to insert the uncooked noodles into hot dog slices, but the method I have outlined above is the only sure way to ensure that both the hot dog pieces and the noodles are cooked properly.
@...goatsgomoo: Oh, and I forgot one more thing: It is necessary to ensure that the locations of the holes on one slice of hot dog exactly correspond to the locations of the holes on all other slices of hot dog. This is why you drill the holes before slicing the hot dog.
@...goatsgomoo: I’m impressed. Do you have your drillpress rigged specifically for this purpose? I mean, can you turn out pretty good production? How many noodle-dogs/hour? Also, what ensures that the hotdog stays true throughout the entire pass? I’d think a hotdog was too bendy to keep stay straight.
@...goatsgomoo: Also what size/type of bit?
@...monkeybird02: Well, personally, I put half-tubes on either side of the vice to completely surround the hot dog. The size of the bit depends on which pasta (I sometimes use angel hair, occasionally I’ll use penne). I use the same bits I use for drilling into iron, so I can get more iron in my diet, because my doctor said I suffered from iron deficiency.
@...goatsgomoo: Win.
@...tiki god: cheese sauce would rock on this.
i was thinking moar red sauce, but i like your idea too
i boil my hotdogs, so boiling the 2 at the same time saves time
@...goatsgomoo: second that win.
i made this.
i made this with cheese sauce.
the texture is divine, the way the spaghetti is more raw in the middle of the hot dogs
and the cheese sauce was win.
@...goatsgomoo gets some internets for this.
sources I guess… unless this picture is made by the one who posted it. But here is more inspiration for those who need it.
EW, that first one doesn’t look appealing. why do none of those have sauce?
sauce would just mess up the pictures i guess. like a drowned flying spaghetti monster or something… if i make it, i’ll make it with sauce… but i had an idea, how about doing this to other things than sausage?? vegetables?
Oh god… must make.. now! That looks like a delicious treat for your mouth.