hey, look at that! no more ‘Error 500’ errors! It seems that the combination of NSFW.MYCONFINEDSPACE.COM and the new database intensive www.comiccovers.com was a bit too much for my poor lil sql server to handle, so it decided that it wasn’t going to work for me anymore.
After a couple hard smacks across the face, I got that bitch back to work though. Unfortunately, that meant removing some of the more database intensive features of MCS for a while, at least until I can get a handle on how to trim the queries down. So, ratings are on hold, no one gets to rate anything for a while. Also, the comments can only be read on the single post pages, much like every other blog on the internets, sorry 🙁
Another thing: there’s a RSS feed for NSFW content now. You should now never see NSFW content on the front page of MCS, nor in the main MCS RSS feed.
In other news, I went and saw Wolverine yesterday. It sucked, and I want to choke whoever thought it was a good idea to mess with deadpool’s origins and cyclop’s powers. WTF ya’ll, he does NOT have lazers shooting from his fricken eyes.
Wolverine sucked? I CALLED IT! Waiting for Star Trek. I spent my money on an Independent/Foreign film instead: Tokyo!
Thanks for no more ERROR 500’s Tiki.!! WOOHOO!
Star Trek should be decent, according to Harry Knowles. After seeing the trailer, I’m really waiting to see District 9 now.
@...twosticks: Harry Knowles??! GTFO.
I am more excited about Moon. To be honest. As far as the SCi Fi field. But Star Trek should be entertaining, JJ Abrams has never steered me wrong.
Do you (or WordPress) cache query results?
If not, my friend made a PHP database class that automatically caches SELECT results for a short period of time. It would probably need to be modified (I think now it will delete its cache whenever anything is INSERTed) to be smarter about when to refresh its cache, but it would probably help.
Please tell me you are using multiple instances of MySQL each with a specified amount of assigned memory and processors. If not, you will continue to have problems. I believe WordPress MU will help you with this.
Do you have cache turn on?
Tiki, does this mean I have bragging rights in my forum thread against Magnus’ accussations?
Also, ratings back please.
@...Demon: I concur. Opening a new tab each time I want to read comments just clutters my desktop. Otherwise, I am glad things are running smoothly again, you can get back to your hard earned liquor Tiki.
Fuck! Give Tiki a fucking break. It’s a fucking work in progress. Imagine Tiki as one of those guys working on the street that is payed by our tax dollars.
@...Puulaahi: Man, nothing personal. I really do appreciate all the work Tiki puts into this site. He honestly doesn’t get enough praise, in the two years I have been coming here this is the first notable hiccup, that is an excellent track record.
@...Dreth: Where. What accusations.
wait wait… so… you loved the hack job they did to phoenix’s storyline, but you hate the redux of Deadpool? huh… did you stay till after the credits? There were two teaser endings, and the last one, I thought, made up for the liberties they took in the movie.
Also of note: Quit complaining ya bitches, at least MCS is back. Tiki will get it back to its former shininess when he gets it back there.
@...dieAntagonista: www.myconfinedspace.com/forum/topic.php?id=590
Said it before. If you looking for a movie that stays close to the source material, you gotta have Frank Miller in the credits somewhere.
oh and three cheers for tiki that i can actually see anything other that “timed out. Connection to server was interrupted”
Oha. Man, that’s ugly. Not surprising, but ugly.
I saw the Wolverine piece of shit yesterday. Yes, the Deadpool issue was fucked up. Not quite as fucked up as what they did to Sabertooth in my opinion. He’s not even blond in the movie! GAH!!!