Uh, what. Who said Africa was small. All you need to do is look at a world map, and you’ll know.
Next thing you know they’re gonna test how many cockroaches they can fit into a human body, just to prove how big humans are.
Teutonic Logic (#3607)
15 years ago
wow this is retarded, Africa is a fucking continent, of course its huge. Why not compare Africa to Asia or Africa to South America? Or if you are going to compare Africa to a country why not compare it to Russia?
@...Teutonic Logic: You’re missing the geo-political point. This is to show comparisons of size in relation to other countries that don’t give enough to save all the poor, poor, pitiful poor of Africe. All those selfish countries that don’t do enough are much smaller, but they probably consume much more of the worlds resources than beautiful, pristine Africa, or some kind of garbage like that. An area so blessed with natural resources, yet can’t even get out of its own way.
No, no I doubt that that’s what they meant to show. Besides, Africa has been milked for what it’s worth. What, blood diamonds, metals, people etc. – that’s what humans do. You can’t have rich people without poor people. Although I doubt that anyone looks at Africans, because of that, and goes, ah how pure and good these people are.
You just feel attacked, you don’t want to be blamed for their misery. The thing is, nobody blamed you, you’re blaming yourself.
@...monkeybird02: Naturally. But right here, nobody said or did anything, yet you feel attacked. As normal as it is for the strong to abuse the weak, it’s normal for the weak to blame the strong for it.
Africa is gonna be soooo sweet when all the Africans are gone. I just hope they leave some tigers and gorillas alive so I can go on a sexy safari.
PS: DieA its other Africans raping their own people and trying to blame anyone else. Same thing that happened with slavery. Who do you think all those slaves were bought from? Yup…other Africans.
Oh the those rich free loading countries like Argentia? Or the country of Western Europe and the apparently unamed country of Scandnavia? Makes total sense.
Yeah it’s Africans who rape Africans and all that, but you people seem to not be aware of the current situation in certain parts of Africa. While it’s Africans that rape other Africans, it’s the owners of rich companies in America and Asia who support these crimes.
Take the Democratic Republic of Congo for example.
Do any of you own a laptop, cell phone or iPod? Did you know that there is a certain metal that is vital for the production of these things, and the main source of it is in Congo?
1000 people die in that country every day. They force children and women to work in mines, then the soldiers steal all the cassiterite they bring back, sell it to a middle man, and the middle man sells it to said companies.
Now before anyone points their finger at me and accuses me of being a racist or whatever, these crimes aren’t necessary. In Sierra Leone they did the same thing with the people there, except they stole the blood diamonds. That’s history, today, Sierra Leone is in a good situation, and the blood diamonds are clean diamonds.
So it’s possible. Congo has the highest death toll since the Holocaust. It doesn’t have to be this way. And there aren’t even that many people to blame, the problem is not that nobody wants to do anything, it’s because nobody knows about it.
I’m sure it was a bad idea of me to type all of this, but here it is.
So, you’re saying that everyone who owns a laptop, cellphone ore iPod is responsible for all the problems in the Congo and not the individuals who are physically committing those atrocities?
So, dieA, do you own any of those previously listed items?
What part of, “the problem is not that nobody wants to do anything, it’s because nobody knows about it” don’t you understand?
Let me repeat, since you’re obviously on the slower side, people who own those things are not to blame. They simply don’t know. I didn’t know about this myself until I recently talked to a teacher.
This problem can be solved the same way it was solved in Sierra Leone with the blood diamonds. No boycott is necessary, the people simply have to demand that those companies stop supporting those crimes.
But whatever, go ahead, blame me for everything Obama has done, and for the economy crisis. I know you want to.
I thought the point was that most people see Africa as a country, even though most (‘cept Palin, of course) knows it’s a continent. Most people say ‘Africa’ even though they mean the Sudan or the DRC or even South Africa. Knowing it’s a continent and that it consists of many countries doesn’t stop people from thinking of it as a single unified people.
@... dieA, actually I knew about Congo’s problem from recent BBC reports, but after decades of hoping (and contributing) for the best for Africa, I’ve come to see Africa become it own worst enemy. I’m at the point where I don’t give a crap anymore about how countries treat their own people, just as long as they leave other countries alone.
As for Congo, the bad part is that UN troops are station there and are doing nothing, and may be contributing to the problem (at least that what the BBC report said).
Luckily, not everyone is like you, or the Nazis could have kept killing Jews back then. You know, it’s a good comparison. Would you pay for something that Nazis sold to you, that you know was produced by Jews they were going to kill afterwards?
Anyway, I really don’t think worse of you because of that. Apathy is a normal reaction these days. If you don’t care, that’s your choice, but don’t criticise me for bringing it up.
Ah yes, can’t trust them BBC folks, huh. See, that’s not true. The UN troops there simply can’t do anything. Those criminal soldiers in Congo, look just like everyone else. Whenever someone comes to visit the mines, they hide their uniforms and their weapons. So you can’t even tell who is a soldier and who is an oppressed worker.
@...ColombianMonkey: What do you mean? Oh Kommissar said that because some people speculate that Hitler was half Jewish, like me. And these new kind of neo Nazis, like Kommissar, approve of Nazism but dislike Hitler because he wasn’t pure.
These people only have themselves to blame. When we left, we left behind infrastructure, legal and political systems, edcuation, and more. These people have squandered what we gave them.
I’m sure beach is talking about generations of European-Africans who were forced out of their home African countries.
At dieA, Hitler didn’t start killing Jews until he became a real pain in the ass when he invaded other countries, so your analogy doesn’t work.
I guess you would have fully supported a full invasion of Rwanda in 1994 to stop the genocide, right? Or would that just be another example of a western country imposing it’s will on a poor, defensless African nation?
Hitler wasn’t half Jewish. The fact that you’re clinging to debunked bullshit of that degree speaks volumes.
Plus the whole purity vs semetic blood is grossly overblown by blowhards. But anyway.
Plastics aren’t metals? Are they made from components that require mining? They are? Oh. So what I said was right and you need to quit being so close minded under the guise of being a champion of being open minded.
Oh I should have replied to this back then. And now that it keeps linking me to this stupid post every time I post a comment I’ll just go ahead and reply.
I didn’t say Hitler was half Jewish, that Nazi guy did. It’s not that hard to comprehend really.
So plastics are made from compnonents that require mining that is somehow identical to me talking about a specific metal that is available only from sources in Africa?
What you said was not right, you’re just really angry and you want everyone to be angry too, especially over black people and Africa.
You know that you just saying it’s wrong doesn’t make it so, right?
You also put words in my mouth, I never said that the metal is only in the Congo, I said the main source for said metal in our phones and iPods is in Congo. It’s right in this thread. They process minerals into metals such as tin and tantalum.
One of the precious metals mined in eastern Congo is coltan. It is used in many common products: mobiles, computers, digital cameras, GPS equipment, airbags, hearing aids and even pacemakers. While 80% of the world’s known coltan reserves are in eastern Congo, only about 1% of the metal sold on the open market is Congolese.
The reality is that most of Congo’s coltan is sold illegally and the revenue, instead of going towards the country’s development, is helping to fund the ongoing violence.
Coltan is a metal that conducts heat unusually brilliantly. It is contained in your mobile, your lap-top, your son’s PlayStation – and 80 per cent of the world’s supplies sit beneath the Democratic Republic of Congo.
There is a direct causal link between the metals trade in eastern DRC and atrocities perpetrated by armed groups against Congolese civilians.
Even though Coltan is extracted in Brazil, Thailand and much of it from Australia –the prime producer of Coltan on a world level– it is in Africa where 80% of the world reserves are to be found. Within this continent, the Democratic Republic of Congo concentrates over 80% of the deposits
I have provided more than enough proof, now please try to disprove this with more than just saying “no you’re wrong.”
@...Blondie: I get that. A little more in the way of specifics is what I wanted. He says it as if it’s a given ad that we all know what he means, *wink wink nudge nudge*.
Ever so slightly a repost.
Western Europe is a country? Who knew!
Thats alot of aids
Uh, what. Who said Africa was small. All you need to do is look at a world map, and you’ll know.
Next thing you know they’re gonna test how many cockroaches they can fit into a human body, just to prove how big humans are.
wow this is retarded, Africa is a fucking continent, of course its huge. Why not compare Africa to Asia or Africa to South America? Or if you are going to compare Africa to a country why not compare it to Russia?
How many nations are in Africa? Oh yeah, more than you can count on one hand.
@...Teutonic Logic: You’re missing the geo-political point. This is to show comparisons of size in relation to other countries that don’t give enough to save all the poor, poor, pitiful poor of Africe. All those selfish countries that don’t do enough are much smaller, but they probably consume much more of the worlds resources than beautiful, pristine Africa, or some kind of garbage like that. An area so blessed with natural resources, yet can’t even get out of its own way.
They could’ve used Alaska for perspective too.
No, no I doubt that that’s what they meant to show. Besides, Africa has been milked for what it’s worth. What, blood diamonds, metals, people etc. – that’s what humans do. You can’t have rich people without poor people. Although I doubt that anyone looks at Africans, because of that, and goes, ah how pure and good these people are.
You just feel attacked, you don’t want to be blamed for their misery. The thing is, nobody blamed you, you’re blaming yourself.
@...dieAntagonista: everyone always blames those who have more for the plight of those who have less.
@...monkeybird02: Naturally. But right here, nobody said or did anything, yet you feel attacked. As normal as it is for the strong to abuse the weak, it’s normal for the weak to blame the strong for it.
@...dieAntagonista: Wow. You nailed that on the head. I was wondering where that came from.
Africa is gonna be soooo sweet when all the Africans are gone. I just hope they leave some tigers and gorillas alive so I can go on a sexy safari.
PS: DieA its other Africans raping their own people and trying to blame anyone else. Same thing that happened with slavery. Who do you think all those slaves were bought from? Yup…other Africans.
@...Blondie: “Africans raping their own people and trying to blame anyone else.”
I think I love you.
no condoms in Africa*gasp*
@... monkeybird
Oh the those rich free loading countries like Argentia? Or the country of Western Europe and the apparently unamed country of Scandnavia? Makes total sense.
Yeah it’s Africans who rape Africans and all that, but you people seem to not be aware of the current situation in certain parts of Africa. While it’s Africans that rape other Africans, it’s the owners of rich companies in America and Asia who support these crimes.
Take the Democratic Republic of Congo for example.
Do any of you own a laptop, cell phone or iPod? Did you know that there is a certain metal that is vital for the production of these things, and the main source of it is in Congo?
1000 people die in that country every day. They force children and women to work in mines, then the soldiers steal all the cassiterite they bring back, sell it to a middle man, and the middle man sells it to said companies.
Now before anyone points their finger at me and accuses me of being a racist or whatever, these crimes aren’t necessary. In Sierra Leone they did the same thing with the people there, except they stole the blood diamonds. That’s history, today, Sierra Leone is in a good situation, and the blood diamonds are clean diamonds.
So it’s possible. Congo has the highest death toll since the Holocaust. It doesn’t have to be this way. And there aren’t even that many people to blame, the problem is not that nobody wants to do anything, it’s because nobody knows about it.
I’m sure it was a bad idea of me to type all of this, but here it is.
So, you’re saying that everyone who owns a laptop, cellphone ore iPod is responsible for all the problems in the Congo and not the individuals who are physically committing those atrocities?
So, dieA, do you own any of those previously listed items?
@...Blondie: Bah. We’d just hunt them to extinction, just like the European lion.
What part of, “the problem is not that nobody wants to do anything, it’s because nobody knows about it” don’t you understand?
Let me repeat, since you’re obviously on the slower side, people who own those things are not to blame. They simply don’t know. I didn’t know about this myself until I recently talked to a teacher.
This problem can be solved the same way it was solved in Sierra Leone with the blood diamonds. No boycott is necessary, the people simply have to demand that those companies stop supporting those crimes.
But whatever, go ahead, blame me for everything Obama has done, and for the economy crisis. I know you want to.
ITT: Everyone is paranoid and defensive.
“OMG it’s not my fault!!1!”
I thought the point was that most people see Africa as a country, even though most (‘cept Palin, of course) knows it’s a continent. Most people say ‘Africa’ even though they mean the Sudan or the DRC or even South Africa. Knowing it’s a continent and that it consists of many countries doesn’t stop people from thinking of it as a single unified people.
@... dieA, actually I knew about Congo’s problem from recent BBC reports, but after decades of hoping (and contributing) for the best for Africa, I’ve come to see Africa become it own worst enemy. I’m at the point where I don’t give a crap anymore about how countries treat their own people, just as long as they leave other countries alone.
As for Congo, the bad part is that UN troops are station there and are doing nothing, and may be contributing to the problem (at least that what the BBC report said).
Luckily, not everyone is like you, or the Nazis could have kept killing Jews back then. You know, it’s a good comparison. Would you pay for something that Nazis sold to you, that you know was produced by Jews they were going to kill afterwards?
Anyway, I really don’t think worse of you because of that. Apathy is a normal reaction these days. If you don’t care, that’s your choice, but don’t criticise me for bringing it up.
Ah yes, can’t trust them BBC folks, huh. See, that’s not true. The UN troops there simply can’t do anything. Those criminal soldiers in Congo, look just like everyone else. Whenever someone comes to visit the mines, they hide their uniforms and their weapons. So you can’t even tell who is a soldier and who is an oppressed worker.
My computer contributed to nigras killing each other?
And here I thought most plastics and steel was mined in Canada.
Africa sucks because the stoopid nigras eat their own and have been fucking each other for centuries.
Go raise awareness about that. Or make another nazi comparison. You nkow who you’re like? Hitler. He compared things to nazis a lot too.
@...Blondie: That’s what Herr Kommissar told me also. That I’m like Hitler.
Do you see a pattern there, ’cause I do.
Oh yeah and Magnus, plastic is not a metal.
Silly black people. Collecting metals in mines when really they should be looking for plastic.
@...dieAntagonista: Hitler’s bloodline??
@...ColombianMonkey: What do you mean? Oh Kommissar said that because some people speculate that Hitler was half Jewish, like me. And these new kind of neo Nazis, like Kommissar, approve of Nazism but dislike Hitler because he wasn’t pure.
@...dieAntagonista: oh okay, nvm then.
These people only have themselves to blame. When we left, we left behind infrastructure, legal and political systems, edcuation, and more. These people have squandered what we gave them.
@...onthebeach: Who are the “we” your talking about and what exactly did “we” leave behind?
I’m sure beach is talking about generations of European-Africans who were forced out of their home African countries.
At dieA, Hitler didn’t start killing Jews until he became a real pain in the ass when he invaded other countries, so your analogy doesn’t work.
I guess you would have fully supported a full invasion of Rwanda in 1994 to stop the genocide, right? Or would that just be another example of a western country imposing it’s will on a poor, defensless African nation?
Hitler wasn’t half Jewish. The fact that you’re clinging to debunked bullshit of that degree speaks volumes.
Plus the whole purity vs semetic blood is grossly overblown by blowhards. But anyway.
Plastics aren’t metals? Are they made from components that require mining? They are? Oh. So what I said was right and you need to quit being so close minded under the guise of being a champion of being open minded.
Thank you.
Oh I should have replied to this back then. And now that it keeps linking me to this stupid post every time I post a comment I’ll just go ahead and reply.
I didn’t say Hitler was half Jewish, that Nazi guy did. It’s not that hard to comprehend really.
So plastics are made from compnonents that require mining that is somehow identical to me talking about a specific metal that is available only from sources in Africa?
What you said was not right, you’re just really angry and you want everyone to be angry too, especially over black people and Africa.
Thank you.
You’re claiming that there is some special metal that is only in the congo and we steal it from them or something.
No such metal exists.
You’ve been lied to.
How hard is that to comprehend?
You know that you just saying it’s wrong doesn’t make it so, right?
You also put words in my mouth, I never said that the metal is only in the Congo, I said the main source for said metal in our phones and iPods is in Congo. It’s right in this thread. They process minerals into metals such as tin and tantalum.
Some excerpts from the above linked articles,
I have provided more than enough proof, now please try to disprove this with more than just saying “no you’re wrong.”
He’s talking about the first world, built off of British ingenuity and based on the fundamentals of Rome such as law.
@...nyokki: Doesn’t stop people who have ancestral origins from speaking of it in the same manner either.
@...Blondie: I get that. A little more in the way of specifics is what I wanted. He says it as if it’s a given ad that we all know what he means, *wink wink nudge nudge*.
Ah I see.
Well then that’s all on him.
@...Blondie: Yes it is.