If it was a lotus, I would give it glory. Water lilies are just to damn common and easy to deserve glory.
Lotus, a true lotus is something that takes special care. Something that takes care and love and only gives for a short time before leaving. It can only be taken so far in, and even then it may be too much.
Water lily? Nah, fucking whores always want to go all the way, as deep as possible, as quickly as possible. Sluts is what they are, as indicated in their name, “Nmyphea.”
Did you know that I used to use the argument that their is an understand “you” at the beginning of the sentence “Fuck you” to try to convince girls to have sex with themselves?
RSIxidor is technically correct, this is indeed a water lily, but it is the Egyptian water lily commonly known and called a Blue Lotus, which has very pleasant and enjoyable, mild euphoric effects.
wow, this flower is so pretty. it’s like sunshine or melted buter or a creamy dreaALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOLOTUS
Wait a second, I thought Lotus was a male republicALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOLOTUS
This isn’t a lotus.
This is a water lily.
A “tropical” variety (purple is not available in cold-water hardy water lilies).
Notice the lack of a seed pod.
@...RSIxidor: You’re doing it wrong.
What are you talking about.
I worked at a water garden retail.
This is not a goddamn nelumbo.
It is a goddamn Nmyphea.
Look here and then here and now compare it with your post. Notice any differences? Yes, that’s it.
Nobody even cares what it is as long as you realise thaALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOLOUTS
If it was a lotus, I would give it glory. Water lilies are just to damn common and easy to deserve glory.
Lotus, a true lotus is something that takes special care. Something that takes care and love and only gives for a short time before leaving. It can only be taken so far in, and even then it may be too much.
Water lily? Nah, fucking whores always want to go all the way, as deep as possible, as quickly as possible. Sluts is what they are, as indicated in their name, “Nmyphea.”
So I am immune.
Good show, gentle sir, good show.
kill it with fire?
It is in the water.
Explain how you will accomplish this.
@...RSIxidor: Fuck you.
Now I feel like a sad minstrel of my dirt.
I still feel bad about having called you a dick. You’re still a king, your kingdom’s right there before your feet.
Oh and fuck you.
Did you know that I used to use the argument that their is an understand “you” at the beginning of the sentence “Fuck you” to try to convince girls to have sex with themselves?
That’s either really stupid, or brilliant. But I’m pretty sure something, somewhere just exploded because of it. Unbelievable.
@...RSIxidor: If it float atop throw some crude oil and a match. If it’s underwater then throw a dynamite, the ones used for Dynamite fishing -> http://farm1.static.flickr.com/22/28654482_b969d25353.jpg?v=0
if the plant is floating on top*
The first wouldn’t kill it unless the oil remains for a long enough time.
The dynamite is not killing with fire.
Either way, its not the fire that kills it.
RSIxidor is technically correct, this is indeed a water lily, but it is the Egyptian water lily commonly known and called a Blue Lotus, which has very pleasant and enjoyable, mild euphoric effects.
Damn you! I knew you would ruin my fun!
Its also got a few other names, I can’t remember what we called it at Creative Water Gardens.