Women of Star Trek

Women of Star Trek

sexy, no?

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    First to NOM!!!


    Only because MCS is totally fucked and this is a rare period of it working. 😛

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    No Nurse Chapel? Fail.


    I must have hit F5 over a thousand times since this morning. It’s scary how distressing the downtime was.


    Sticky: Ditto.
    reboot: Ditto.
    wol4ene: Ditto, ‘cept 2nd.
    Also: What’s all over the pic? I could barely read it.


    Where’s Jeri Ryan or Jolene Blalock?? The hawtest pair of ladies to inhabit the ST universe… I’d crawl over broken, flaming, acid drenched glass to lick the feet of either… Nom nom.


    mightyconan: Jeri Ryan is top right. Unfortunately Blalock, Nicols and Whitney are missing.


    MARINA FUCKING SIRTIS MOTHERFUCKERS. When i was in 6th grade i would desperately look for women in porn who looked like her.


    ahh, I forgot how hot kess was


    thelotuseater725: Porn…in 6th grade? Something’s wrong there.


    nyokki: Missed that… My bad. Still, Jolene is the shiznit… Should have been there. The rest are worthy too.


    Jarri & Chase FTW

    LOL random small Chef


    I used to think Gates was hot… but then I realised she’s freaking 60! Someone’s grandmother is never EVER hot.


    Not bad, but they left off Wesley Crusher…


    (NO, I’m not gay. I’m implying that HE is.) (Sheesh)


    Marina Sirtis for me please, thanks.


    I always had a thing for Gates McFadden, she vaguely looks like my sister-in-law (my wife’s sister)… who is like the deluxe version of the sisters… not quite as pretty in the face, but longer legs, thicker hips, bigger tits.

    god, I am in so much trouble if she reads this.


    WHERE IS UHURA?! i posted last night but now it isnt showing IS THIS A CONSPIRACY?


    I didn’t know it was possible to make Jeri Ryan ugly.


    Jennifer Lien is so hot…a shame she was only on the show for like one season. And lol…Chase Masterson had herself a following in the late 90s.

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