A more interesting back story than I had thought it would be.
15 years ago
Oh joodles was waiting for my input. I absolutely adore this, what else could I say. The look on the lady’s face though, ah it makes me want to kiss her and say that everything is going to be all right.
Horses had swine flu and were forced into frozen lake to freeze to death in hope that the future can find a cure…
I figure a massive blizzard came through and froze the horses to death.
In soviet russia, snow shovels you
apparently part of a movie?
That’s fucked up.
I want to see this movie, but not.
Animals WERE harmed in the making of this movie… so what are you gonna do about it?!? Huh? Huh?!? I thought not – punk!
This makes a great wallpaper.
Also can’t wait to see what DieA thinks about all this.
Oh man…that’s terrible….
I love horses, they’re so great to be around….
I’ve shoveled much manure just for a chance to ride as a Kid…this picture, might as well be a bunch of dead puppies to me…what a loss….
Equine Easter Island?
Either that or its the farm where the mafia gets their horse heads
“Ask your doctor about Suicide.”
Yup, from Guy Maddin’s Winnepeg. A great flick. I recommend it and all of Maddin’s other works.
A more interesting back story than I had thought it would be.
Oh joodles was waiting for my input. I absolutely adore this, what else could I say. The look on the lady’s face though, ah it makes me want to kiss her and say that everything is going to be all right.